Work Groups - One to Focus on JUP research debates?

Hello Cadets!

Whilst the vote for work group grants is current going on over at

It raises the question, should be perhaps invest more resources into this Jup Research Forum.

Based on @meow 's tweet here; He seems to love the discussion!!

This environment isn’t about agreeing or disagreeing with each other! rather prompting healthy discussion. I believe @Merlin-M-Ostermann and @Mbolorman feel neutral about this proposition: but perhaps we could lead discussion in here if more resources are invested. Perhaps, funding from the $150k grant (presuming it wins) is invested in here.

Ideas i can think of is the following:

-Small JUP bounties for core contributors to JUP research forum (Voted by team)
-Random JUP prizes for someone who creates a topic in here (eligibility requirements)
-Investment of marketting for posts here: Perhaps we could write twitter threads as well that receive funding to help promote and boost the post?
-Any others people think of?

Obviously the work we do in here does not require reimbursement, but i think it would be an interesting way to utilise some of the $150k grant.

Let me know your thoughts bellows

If you agree, drop a like :green_apple:


Its not a bad idea, personally i prefer good discussion here. Actually it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start a thread around “Brain Storming” where we can put in ideas as a means of spreading the word.


Considering the things that these grants have been offered for like paying for equipments for trial WG etc, this isn’t a bad request at all considering the amount of time @lochie2001 spends in here producing organic topics, contributing to debate, collating important information together, linking up one debate to another to ensure there is some continuity of ideas and also largely an overwhelming positive presence in largely all critical debate raised in here to ensure ideas are fully shared, debated and understand by most. I think this goes largely unnoticed as it’s currently seen as standard contribution to the DAO community but if it’s rewarded, it can morph into a more structured role for the purpose you have defined.


Thank you so much, bro! I definitely see you in here a lot providing insight and discussion. I seriously love that


This is a great idea tbh and I’m thinking that these funds should be used in a way to attract more ppl from disc and X here and make this place the place which decides the faith of the Jupiter

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I say, yeah why not! This could be the place for ideas that maybe are not big enough to go through grants, or those just didn’t apply for them and can hereby become visible while still providing some kind of value to the community, product/service development.

And then if there was enough positive impact (evaluated by the team), the team could grant them a prize (what ever that might be).

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Couldn’t attend the live planetary call today. Just finished my catchup and was nice hearing my bro @lochie2001 putting a voice to the name. Very deserving of that invitation. Didn’t get a shoutout but still you rock​:joy::raised_hands:t6:


I was gonna shout you out trust me bro! i just didnt wanna fk pronouncing your name :laughing:


That’s cool bro. You wouldn’t believe how similar our stories are. I never got into crypto until around March/April 2021, zero knowledge on blockchain/crypto, not a techy etc and I literally worked so hard to learn everyday by listening to & watching countless hours of videos, podcasts, reading articles and just gaining knowledge by learning from other influencers and clever folks inside places like this DAO, X, patreon etc. It’s simply unbelievable how much anyone can learn if they invest time and commit to anything. Also enjoy exercising. Due to the nature of my job, I couldn’t keep up with a consistent gym routine but invest a lot of time using my weights at home, walking and running a lot and generally just try as much as possible to live healthy. Was moved listening to your story honestly bro especially the part of trying to share knowledge with others after you learn something in or out of the DAO & how you use exercise to stay discipline and build confidence etc. I have learned a lot engaging in debates in here respectfully and also sharing my personal thoughts on things.


Wow bro, it’s actually inspiring that you listened to the entirety of that call.

To be honest, I was a little starstruck. I didn’t know what to say but just so I know there is a lot more to my story than that.

@OnionError knows a fair bit.

But I’m happy to engage with the community. I had a great time… Highly recommend you do it perhaps next time?!



I think investing more resources into the Jup Research Forum is a great idea. The suggestions for bounties, prizes, and marketing are particularly interesting and could really enhance engagement and productivity within the forum. Using a portion of the $150k grant to fund these initiatives seems like a smart move and could drive valuable contributions and discussions.

I’m on board with this approach and believe it could have a positive impact. Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and seeing how we can make this happen!

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What benefits do you guys see growing, building and using resources for jupresearch instead of focusing on already existing platforms like Reddit? Do you have examples where a crypto project has managed to build and grow new platform instead of using existing one, let’s say Reddit? What’s the benefit on using energy and resources for multiple similar forums (in this case text format) instead of focusing all the resources for already established and well known one?

I’m into debate and critical thinking here as I’ve been part of establishing forums like jupresearch for crypto projects. I’m genuinely curious in hearing opinions and if some of these questions have been thought of.

I’ll share my experience from the past once I hear your thoughts on these questions.


Heres another idea i just thought of. Maybe a comp for the post that has had the most engagement in past 3 months?

That way people dont just spam now, they can use their pre-exisitng posts that were genuine.

food for thought!

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The main goal should be getting constant users to this site.

A constant user is a loyal one. Loyal holders of JUP are what we need.

Id love to see some stats on the average user engagement time on this site or perhaps how much site volume this gets.

The main benefit is to get more people involved with the jup brand daily, and not as just a one off.

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Would love to be part of a Research working group, debating on tough problems!
Don’t need pay.


Great idea! Rewarding genuine engagement encourages quality and recognizes impactful posts. It also keeps things fair and motivates users to consistently share valuable content. Let’s find a way to balance this for both new and older posts. Thanks for the suggestion!


From my experience forums like this are good to inform existing and active community members about stuff but in my opinion this forum should be strictly for that. Everything else should be focused on already established and well known platforms such as Reddit. Reddit already has millions of users and getting into forum like jupresearch would require a sign up, users also need to wait for verification before they can post anything. That’s a big barrier for the masses and we should make things as easy as possible for laymen.

So instead of pushing resources into jupresearch, it would be better to use the same resources and energy to start pushing our subreddit. Growing subreddit is much easier and it grows much faster organically. When your friend sends a link of a news article but you have to sign up to read it, you usually just don’t read it. Or do you want to download a new app to chat with your friend? No, you want to use whatsapp (or similar) which is used by the rest of your friends.

Focus energy and resources. Quality over quantity. Rather have fewer channels made very well than trying to cover all the channels.

I’d rather see you guys focusing and growing the subreddit instead. This forum should not be a place where people post to get rewarded. This should be a place where people post because there is a true need for the post.

Another thing I’d like to highlight is rewarding people in DAO. From the past experience, projects tend to give funding very easily during the bull market, which ofc makes sense because there is money to be used but bear market is inevitable. Currently community is willing to vote yes for budget proposals but that will change drastically when bear market comes. Therefore it is very important to think little further with how the money is being spent now. There are tens of active DAOs who have been running 1 or 2 cycles already. These DAOs have done lots of trials with their budgets and there is no need for us to trial same things what have been trialed few times in the past already. So one idea for a working group would be to form a group who would research other DAOs from the past years and find things what work and what doesn’t work. This would save Jupiter DAO from trialing with the same things and could also inspire some new ideas. Try something what others haven’t tried yet rather than try same things again.

What I do agree though is that community members who are active and willing to step up, should be given an opportunity and therefore encourage you guys to keep pushing and finding ways to bring value to the DAO.

Keep up the good work!


On surface level it has merit, but I see perspective on overevaluating reddit as problematic.

I own 82 subreddits, one of them with 240k members, so not like I am just spouting out random here.

Reddit is very fickle and as of lately with the API call change super enclosed and limited. While Discourse may not have much to begin with, it has one thing, a puristic domain. SEO wise Jupresearch is doing basically 124 times as much for the brand than reddit, it would do far more if the tags were properly utilized which is still dormant.


Not used Reddit for long and not really explored it that much so it’s great to get that comparison with clear cut differences from you who’s gone deep in both rabbit holes. I do think that DAOs are designed for in-depth discussions & debates in a way that I haven’t come across on discord or Reddit. Maybe some others who use those more might disagree?


Organization of regular debates is certainly a very good idea and best contributions could receive rewards/ prizes. However, I am unsure as to the rate of participation if the funding from the grants are to be invested in here to facilitate higher participation rates because involvement can still be limited as prizes or bounties may not attract that many people and a more structured incentive program could drive higher involvement, i.e. ranked contributions. I think introduction of a certain ranking system would be much more beneficial, i.e. a ranking system where members can achieve different ranks based on the contribution level, tiered multiplier systems for airdrop allocations, etc.