Work Groups - One to Focus on JUP research debates?

Jupresearch has the badge system for example, but looking into it one can see that while certain badges have multiple users owning them, those are all pretty redundant ones tehy would get after time- Like make X posts, X likes, a quote, a namecall, etc. Those badges or ranks that need intent to get them, all around 5 users have them and maybe 3 more or trying to get them and that is about it.

I like the idea to interweave it with incentives, but there I am also worried of the outcome. Like if there is anything to be gotten from participation, the quality of contributions in Jupresearch might instantly hit rock bootom.

As I see it, the team has not tapped into 40% of the Discourse options and fully leverage its capacity_

-tags > categories = better SEO
-reaction emojis = faster feedback = more engagement
-wicki contribution openes = deeper content, more engagement + better SEO

But even if they took those low hanging fruits, in the end Discourse is quite limited to real interoperability for ranking systems (still better than Reddit, far far away from Discord).

If we look at Jupiter Discord, it has 6230% higher on average engagement per day 2024, but if I were to eyeball it, it probably has 95% redundant content and a lot low quality contribution. I mean by intent. It is a open chat and everything gets scrolled up into the abyss. But while I mourn a lot how little engagement on Jupresearch can be, naturally we would not want the ā€œto the moonā€ stuff here either.

A little sad to me that 70% of the projects introducing to LFG spam artificial content. Like almost all their posts from allegged ā€œusersā€ are always accounts that make their first post in their topic, never come again, have no reading history, no further contribution, userpic or anything.

There are those projects that simply try to grift, but there are others which are legit but try to attain relevancy by using spam accounts and throwaway emails, which is not just sad, but borderline pathetic. Mostly because it is so obvious, while still treated by the team as genuine engagement.

I think the incentives to participate in Jupresearch should be not so much ā€œgive me shiny icons and titlesā€ but on the other side also not ā€œincrease my airdropā€ as both do not really help.

I would like an approach, not sure if realistically feasable, where people that drive the conversation forward can attain visibility. Would not hurt to invite some of the super active users, or those with interesting proposals to one of the AMAā€™s and make it a bit more inclusive and less driven by nepotism.

Grants are good do not get me wrong, but I would like to see the open side of a DAO thrive more than just the incentivized. Sometimes feels like the same people farming these, and that is by no means because only they care and try.


While thinking what would be the best incentive system to reward active participants here (btw there will always be people who are trying to abuse and farm such systems), what is wrong with the idea that people who truly care and have a real reason to participate into discussions come here and discuss? What are we looking to achieve by bringing incentives to jupresearch?

Iā€™m ok with highlighting jupresearch for community members and encourage organic growth. Discord admins can simply guide and encourage users to check this place out and we can make sure that this forum is visible in places where other jupiter related channels are also being listed, but setting up a system which rewards activity here sounds artificial. If people donā€™t have a need to be here without getting rewarded, will rewarding people bring real and valuable discussions?

I previously mentioned Reddit, I have been a Reddit user in the past but Iā€™m not that active there anymore so there is no bias towards it. I mainly mean that if we want to spread out information on Jupiter, we should not try to create our own youtube or tiktok but rather use the platforms where people already are. And putting resources in these platforms is much more effective marketing wise. You want to go where people are.

This being said, Iā€™m not saying this forum doesnā€™t have a purpose. I think this is a great place for meaningful (underline meaningful) conversations. Meaningful conversations happen because there is organic need for it. When you start rewarding people to bring meaningful and true content, it also encourages people to post just to get rewarded.


The thing with reddit is just that something like Jupiter does not drive additional traffic to a subreddit, for the part of ā€œgoing where the people areā€. Youtube and Tiktok does exactly that. I will still say that SEO wise and for ā€œrealā€ tangible visibility, Jupresearch would do far more, if utilized properly than reddit.

I am all for not driving incentives for a forum, but saying that meaningful conversations happen because there is organic need for it, is putting it to lightly. Look I say that while also saying people should not be rewarded to post here.

My problem lies more with the team, as over on Discord there is zero push to bring people here. Just mentioning Jupresearch on their Youtube AMAā€™s was regarded as, and I quote ā€œtediousā€.

There are many many good discussions here, but the team ignores them and does not give feedback to most of it, while playing the favouritism game. I mean you can browse their contributions and it is often only their own and some few where you can see an agenda.

Is it asked so much for the team to actively engage here at least once in a while organically? I think not. Same like it is not tedious actually to throw Jupresearch a bone once in a while and encourage participation here in their Discord and Youtube sprees.

It is not about incentives. It is about feedback. People can write the best content here and because tehy absolutely ignore it and give no feedback of value, people give up on bringing meaningfull and true content here, because why bother?

I see a lot correlation in how LFG Intros are treated here and user proposals.

Marketing wise, everything on Reddit is pretty much buried under first layer applications, while people on TikTok doomscroll and at least force present marketable content by algorithm. But I am not even speaking about marketing.

You can google a lot topics that are on Jupresearch but wont find them without explicitly looking for Jupresearch. SEO. It is no rocket science, unlock tags, give it proper , metatags and jsut unlock all the basic functions of Discourse. This is not about putting resources into anything. Just using things as intended. I mean a twelve year old could tick the checkboxes necessary with the admin privileges and isntantly boost organic webtraffic 20x or so. The gatekeeping on that is a little frustrating in my opinion, because once I brought it up someone said ā€œbut who knows what negative things might happen if we do thatā€. Which, to put it mildly, is a joke. Jupresearch is not the only system using Discourse so no one needs to act like it is a mystical zone.

By rewarding people I mean non monetary but tangible. All it needs here is engagement and aknowledgement from the team. They too often prefer to have the catmemes and blunt agreement in Discord or Youtube chat, where engagement is like vanity items in Free to play gamesā€¦ not very satisfying.

It is more about the fact not that you need to reward people to get them here, but more that they neglect Jupresearch so much that there is no real motivation there over time.

I am glad in fact I did not write any meaningfull proposal, or it would look super salty. But the reality is I read them all, user proposals and LFG intros, and if you read them all and honestly have a fair take on the artifical copypasta fresh account posts in them, it is a bit obvious that the true community reflection does not matter as much as what goes on behind the scenes.

It is easy to call on transparency, if you choose wisely where to be transparent, just saying.


Iā€™m not sure which discussions have already taken place but let it be our mission now to get reply to your feedback.


Yeah thats not a bad point! im sure reddit would attract more users anyways. ive never really used it unless its come up on google but maybe im just an outlier ! :slight_smile:

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Jup research is cool bc it only brings people genuinely intrigued . If we do more like this an invite more users that would be cool!


yes i notice this a lot too. it makes me wonder how many are real people v bots


What I canā€™t get is people requesting things already being done in here to Reddit etc. why canā€™t they join the debate here and contribute. We have the working groups in here, proposals in here, discussions and debates in here, updates etc. Isnā€™t it better to promote more conversation within Jup DAO itself so that people can be referred there for information instead Reddit & Discord that many donā€™t use to express themselves the way they do in here?


Majority of people are naturally lazy and donā€™t want to put in effort. People who really want to contribute and discuss something else than cat memes, will come here and participate, as long as they know that this place exist. And in my opinion that is the value of this place. There is much less noise here so itā€™s easier to keep focus on ā€œimportantā€ discussions.

Iā€™m not sure if you guys would be interested in focusing on Reddit, I noticed that the trial working group decided to gave up on that so Iā€™m assuming there could be a need for people who could continue where it was left? I also think that you guys @Mbolorman @lochie2001 @Merlin-M-Ostermann are doing great here already, without any rewards. Iā€™d support the idea that active participants (you guys included) would be somehow recognised and rewarded at some point one way or another. I just wish not to see grinding for rewards in this specific forum.

Maybe itā€™s going little off topic here but getting back to funding from DAO. I voted against the reddit budget simply because it was way too much they asked but I supported the idea (and before someone mentions, Iā€™m also aware a big portion of the budget got returned). The budget requested would have been enough to fund a team who covers Discord and Reddit both and would still be at the very top end you can get paid for such in web3. So how about you guys request a budget to continue with Reddit and maybe you could also include jupresearch in the proposal? Iā€™m still against bringing incentives to jupresearch but maybe there is a way you could take care of both of the forums?


Yes, 100%. All these grants Iā€™d prefer be utilise in bolstering ASR or JUPUARY For example, rather than creating all these work groups that probably wonā€™t achieve much.

Honestly, half the proposals for these work groups should be free of charge and done at the communities Goodwill.

Too many proposals proposing things that donā€™t make sense for a crypto dex Exchange.

I think I heard people talking about music for Jupiter? LOL, what the fuck does that have to do with defi.


One of my favourite things I live by is this:

ā€œEveryone wants results. But no one wants to put in workā€.

Hence every time I think about quitting, Not going gym, Not staying discipline, Or whatever it is. I remind myself that everyone wants to result, but no one is willing to put in the work.

Everyone wants a quick fix. Rather than doing cardio. Everyone researchā€™s Supplement They can take, but they wonā€™t do a healthy diet


Yes, Iā€™ve voted exactly the same and there was a lot of Twitter attention suggesting it was overpaid.

To be honest, Iā€™m glad the Reddit is over. I donā€™t personally think we gained too much from it.

But Iā€™m glad to know that barely any of the funds were actually used and a lot were returned


On that note, Iā€™d be happy to continue with the Reddit free of charge. I just like to know what you guys would like me to see? I prefer jup Research, However, Iā€™m happy to literally copy and paste the post I do here in Reddit