Unclaimed ASR reward to go to next round

I am the one who forgot to claim my Asr reward. I staked Jup from day one but i was too busy that claiming day. Shoud we have a vote of proposal for unclaimed token? Or just extend timing for claim it (it is great for me :grin:)?

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If you never voted you wont have Any ASR. so staking + vote = asr rewards


totally agree with your opinion


We 100% should have an opportunity to discuss and vote on where those funds go IMO. If this a true 50/50 split between team and community, money that falls on the community side should be voted on by the community. I’m not saying one side is right or wrong, just think we should have the opportunity to vote.


yes 100%. correct me if im wrong, but i believe @0xSoju said that the leftover asr funs “weren’t significant enough” for it to be worth a vote.


Hi all,

I think there are few people who had similar problems and were not able to claim. I voted every single proposal since beginning till June. Then I had to travel for 2 months without being able to use my pc with wallets…and returned home now and missed that 30 days window…I trust in JUP, did not sell a single one, bought more, voted…and I am out of rewards anyway

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Hey everyone, please check my anecdotal re this situation. Cc @Slorg @0xSoju

If we promise something, we should just deliver (do what we say). It’s super simple formula to gaining trust and participation.

Here is my counter proposal with thesis/logic:

What the dao pulled here regarding this claim process is not well placed. It’s a close equivalent to a bait-and-switch.

At some point rewards should find its way to the participant.


Hey man, im sorry you missed the claim period, but im gonna have to disagree with you on this one.

To be a good cat, you need to stay active. I understand you travelled by 30 days is a long time in crypto space. i think best thing to do is more asr 1 left overs to asr 2


Sorry are you replying to me? I wasn’t traveling. My wife’s mom passed, and we’ve been in grieving. I thought you were in support of my situation and of making sure we were taken care of? Is that not true?

I will have to agree here, that rules are rules. I am sorry for @Pandamunk loss and the situation, but in the bigger picture it is a situation that has the tone of a guilt-trip. As in putting a case out there, that is so heart wrenching that it is made out to be like everyone opposing it should already lose the argument.

In the proposal it says even at end “Please free to comment and defend.” while in actuality everyone that reasons with holistic logic and be against an exception will be instantly put out as the bad guy… because someone died.

My wife’s mom passed, and we’ve been in grieving. I thought you were in support of my situation and of making sure we were taken care of? Is that not true?

So yeah, is this even having an argument within reason? I doubt.

Same goes for saying that the ASR claim is some “bait and switch”. Look it is not. The rule is super simple, and absolutely reasonable. And the only real fair and decentralized way to approach it, is to have it fair for everyone with no exceptions.

30 days claim period, for everyone, period.

If you make a precident case for someone where a relative died, as bad and heartbreaking as it is, you open up Pandoras Box for unnecessary future rule bending debates- Would we even discuss what qualifies for an exception? So grieving is ok, but what about someone whos house burned down? Who was in hospital? Etc. In the end everyone will suddenly have the worst things happened on surface if there are exceptional rules.

Claim phases need to be narrow and limited, 30 days is almost too long for Web3 DeFi flows, it gonna delay so much to broaden that window, makes not much sense.

So to me, two things are clearly not an option:

  1. Creating weird opportunities for special exceptions
  2. Changing that time window to something ridiculously longer

And because I probably already stepped on many toes here, and will farm some bad juju karma with my emotionally detached take… Look I get it, but honestly if someone in my family died and I was organizing things, grieving or otherwise occupied, the last drama I would seek in my life is claiming some ASR peanuts.Or arguing with peoples in a forum and gas lighting or guilt tripping that people do not understand and respect my loss because they will not give me more jellybeans.

Feel all free to roast me, for being harsh. But it comes down to me in the logic that rules are rules- In Crypto, Blockchain, Web3, whatever you wanna call it, systematic rules and math do matter. For 99% of all, the system works because it has rules, is predictable and mathematically logic. So if it hurts 1% that such rules are not bent, twisted and altered or catered to them… it is a necessary sacrifice.

If lets say tokenomics of a project have an annual fixed release schedule, bi-annual halving, 20% burn, everyone would be super mad if because of a few users situations and demands something of those figures would be changed and adapted on the fly. This situation now is nothing else. Everyone was fine with the claim period, until someone missed it. In the bigger picture some might even want others to miss it, the structure is by design. But without emotional attachment, very systematically, it is simply fair like that.


Really sorry for your loss and bad circumstances that lead to you not being able to claim your rewards. It’s unfair though to criticise the process that was communicated clearly, enforced as agreed by all and gave everyone more than enough time to claim. It was a month; not hours, days or a week. I get how frustrating it may be but I don’t believe the process should be rolled back cos of these situations cos everyone will come up with one and that leads to a complete systemic dysfunction.


well said merlin 100%


yes bro also great explanation !


Agreed with all the points said. It reads as a guilty trip as well, might be or might not be, either way we all have our loss and life besides the DAO.
30 days is more then enough to claim, grieving or not but that’s my opinion of course, some people are hit harder with loss then others.

Reading into each and every life story for not claiming for 30 days is just not possible, take some personal responsibility and move on. I claimed my drop immediately even if I had a pretty tough month behind me, to each there own tho.


The honesty for me is on point Merlin👌🏿

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Im sorry for your loss brother. I cant imagine the pain you feel rn.

But we need to keep things conssitent, if 30 days applys to one cat, it must apply to all.

Unfortunately life hits us when we least expect it, but we cant rely on changing it for everyone bc of this unique case.

30 days is reasonable in my eyes.

Like is said, on averaeg only 10k jup was being claimed for the finals week each day, and it was shrinking by the day.

10k x an additional 30 days would result in less 300k jup to be claimed. there was 4M left over. so extending it wouldnt do much. People are NOT gonna claim regardless


@Merlin-M-Ostermann Appreciate your time on this. And also I do recognize your compassion (I don’t think you are being too cold or anything). If you felt like my post was a form of gaslighting, that was not my intent and far from how I want to approach this.

I was questioning whether to mention the specifics of my personal situation, as they might seem mechanically irrelevant. But I decided to add that color anyway to distinguish my scenario from those chalked up to simple forgetfulness or lack of engagement. I had a very reasonable personal event—that can happen to all of us—that led me to go AFK for a period. Prior to that, I put in more energy than the regular layman that doesn’t really care much ab this. I voted in almost every proposal, contributed to the conversation, evangelized, ushered in new users, etc.

I just think It’s important our policies make these considerations within reason. Foster inclusivity to all earnest participants.

In regards to your other points - I had a few thoughts:

  • Being that one of our values is to be normie friendly (as this is good for all of us locally and globally), I think we shouldn’t use typical patterns in web3 as the primary model for policy creation. 99% of web3 is a scam. And every normie feels this way. If we only follow patterns of web3, we run the high risk of being perceived as part of the same scam pattern. It would make sense to consider web2 models.

  • Case in point: Before the Credit Card act of 2009. Gift card expiration dates varied significantly from one issuer to another. Many gift cards before 2009 had expiration dates as short as a few months to one year after being issued. Often the terms of expirations were not clearly disclosed at the time of purchase. Leading to consumer confusion/frustration when they discovered their card had lost value or expired. This resulted in loads of lawsuits, petitions, advocacy groups. The discontent was wide spread. This is what happens at scale. There are parallells here to the ASR that we can learn from.

In short, This is really about more inclusion. And I had to speak up and share my anecdotal, add a data point. There were others that spoke up, but none as strongly.

If I were to make a hypothesis, the segment of the pop that were non-claimers were of the normie segment. They are not obsessed about web3, they voted as a personal experiment… to see what would happen if they put in some time and energy into this thing. They check in not daily but perhaps once or twice a month. However, perhaps they still contribute significantly to liquidity and want to see this “dao thing” play out.

For this segment, do we want their personal experiment to fail? or do we want to gain and deepen their trust and give them the confidence to go for the next experiment? Something to think about.

At the end of the day, my suggestion at minimum would be to increase the next asr period closer to quarterly (to naturally align with quarterly asr timing). Implement additional channels for communication and be clear about conditions before start of energy exchange.

For asr 1, it would be meaningful to be made complete (me and others). I will continue to contribute regardless. I know the leads are looking into this - apreciate it.

Thanks for reading all of that.

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i was in hospital for 2 months after a bad car accident. i could not claim my rewards. i dont rewards should expire. is there anyone who can assist me claim my rewards?

But the claiming was open for 6 month Sir. If you miss claiming you have to wait for another jupnuary only if it actually happen again. @iceman55 how did you know you qualify While you’re being away for long months ?

He is talking about the ASR that is allocated quarterly not Jupuary.