Solana ID by DSID 𑁍 ($SOLID application for LFG)

KYC can be a feature - if done right. Our collaboration with Concordium Blockchain is really piloting secure storage of passport credentials. Nobody is able to access your sensitive data but we can reveal things like “is above 18y” or “is not from the US” with credentials like this.

Anyway, while this is all part of Solana ID by DSID, we’re more focused on building a meaningful score on top of these credentials. The higher your score, the more perks you can expect. The score is an aggregation of data - you may incl. KYC but you don’t have to. It remains optional.


that is exactly what we’re doing :handshake: happy to help you on these topics!


Yes, I could have been more clear. As mentioned, currently we know that collateral free loans in DeFi are not feasible - so yes, I believe there is still much more design work required.

Anyway, we are doing that work. We have ideas and reputation staking is a first attempt of creating some sort of responsibility for a borrower of an under collateralized loan. Next up there is the concept of “anonymity revocation” which is already being used by our partners at Concordium Blockchain: once you have your decentralized KYC identity, you stay completely private UNLESS three independent parties (concordium, the app you interacted with, an official court) collectively decide that your wallet was involved in illegal activities. Now your anonymity can be technically revoked by consensus of these three parties. A concept that is trying to walk the line between self sovereign ID and centralized security.


Currently as things stand within solana theres not alot of geo restrictions which is great for me as i get more options as opposed to say on coinbase or kraken and biance is blocked in canada completely. Where certain coins and dapps are locked because of geo restrictions. Id really be upset to see the drawbacks of registry requirements put forth for dapp use then have location restrictions all because of the location ones in. I assme dapps would be able to use dsid to put requirements on users prior to use of a said dap meaing like (must allow x y z of dsid information) l do see the good side to this as youve mentioned here. I do also wonder at what point does it become a social credit system where certain leverages are locked cause ones rating might be under requiremets and a gateway feature for information gathering which could under the geo restriction laws block a person from using say usdt or dapps putting a u.s based clientele only. I unno maybe im on edge feeling like theres good aspects to it such as drops, loans or a rating of someone’s trust or experience but at the same time alot of unknowns that lean towards restrictions


Explosive stuff. Strong digital ID infrastructure could easily support many more Honey-type business models. It’s an exciting thing to pay attention to.


I like ID better than Passports. Seems more privacy preserving and should help anti Sybil efforts


I agree 100% with you - some people mistake Solana ID to be a project pushing for more “permissioned” apps. But that’s not what we stand for - we love the permissionless nature of web3. BUT applications should have a way to present tailored offers and rewards to users based on specific credentials. This is not possible yet and we know that it needs to change - with Solana ID we’re building a framework that helps to maintain privacy, yet still present some claims about identity credentials.

The only way geo restrictions will find its way into Solana, would be by legislative force and regulation.


im in, this project take advantage of many lack of data that is not controled


Late to this I know, so don’t expect a reply. I’m from cyber sec and we specialise in end point protection: So basically we fight the tidal waves of spam and fraud in web2 today. And it’s huge.
Crypto is now getting hit with the same problem. Many many wallets on Solana right aren’t real users, just farming accounts. That’s really hurting adoption as token incentives are going to fake users and the network performance is suffering for the legit users that are here.

I like the idea of on chain identity, makes sense. However everyone has access to the on chain data. There is definitely an advantage in having pre-computed metrics but these aren’t new either. More and more engagement management platforms, (TaskOn, Guild etc
) provide them for you and DIY options are emerging.
How do you see yourself staying competitive in this fast commoditising sector of the market?

Secondly how do you handle multiple wallets? I’m a legit user and a reasonably high value one by crypto standards (not hard in a sea of bots though
). Yet I have multiple wallets. Can you easily consolidate these to one account for protocols I interact with so my combined reputation travels with me?

How do you handle compromised wallets (of which there are more and more as time goes on)? Can I remove a wallet from my identity? Is there any way for me to transfer a compromised wallet’s identity to a new wallet? Feel like that last one, whilst not common, would have hundreds if not thousands of immediate users if you were able to solve for it.


gm andrew, you’re not late to the party :saluting_face: thanks for posting thoughtful questions here.

  1. Competitive landscape
    We’re coming from a strong self sovereign ID background and are building related technologies (DIDs, VCs) into Solana ID. While our frens from Guild are looking into this as well, we are front running this market as I am personally researching and building in SSI sine a long time.
    We’re also introducing some new ideas and features such as the Data-2-earn model based on crypto incentive frameworks.

  2. Wallet Aggregation
 is a core feature of Solana ID. You’ll be asked to connect the wallets you hold at sign-up and can add / remove wallets from your profile at any time in the Wallet Aggregation panel.

  1. Identity Transfers
    If a wallet got compromised, the first thing you should do is remove it from your Solana ID. We are thinking about ID transfer / recover features a lot and have some sound ideas but this would be a feature later on the roadmap as it requires some advances methods to verify that you we’re the true holder of a compromised wallet.

I can elaborate more but leave it for now. You can find our long-form AMA soon on Round #2 of LFG Voting - currently there is only the tldr interview but a longer AMA with the CWG will be added by next week (I think :slight_smile:).


Combining everthing into one seems like a graet job:

  • Scores
  • Credentials
  • On-Chain data
  • Off-Chain data

Thankyou for detail description. Hope can be succees


Great project, definitely has a place in Solana and will bring value to all.


I was torn between this project and Sanctum for the DAO vote. Had to go with Sanctum this round as I believe it will spearhead JUP/SOL into more adoption in the short term BUT, I still think long term this idea will win and provides a novel idea to the JUP/SOL ecosystem AND it meets a core criteria as to why crypto is so important
 Gives power back to the individual.

While I couldn’t vote for the project this round for launch through LFG, I would still like to support it in some way, is there a way to do this now?


Thank you for the kind words and I understand you opted for Sanctum this time! Pls join our community on tg and discord, find it on our X.
Also, there is a chance that we roll over into the 3rd voting round as we did secure a good chunk of votes and are with Nyan the next two projects in line after Sanctum and Uprock.

Chances we roll over increase, if community will ask for it :saluting_face:


D2E and RS are promising features to my mind - looking forward to it.


i have to say i haveixed feelings as i want to be credited for my participation and i want companies/business etc. to be able to reach out to their loyal fans and owners. However im am getting fednow tracking goverment vibes that i hope are not here!

Can you help assure us parinoid decentralized maximalists put there please :pray:
what say you?

meow,no cadets left behind please


Hi there, just a few question regarding sybil proof/resistance.

In the advent of AI Agents – that can be setup to operate devices entirely and execute multiple tasks – how does the reputation system provide ‘proof of personhood’ given the progressive challenge of autonomous agents?

As with onboarding credentials – these are not decentralized systems; they’re verification systems built on top of centralized issuers of the credentials. In this way, online ID is simply a derivative of real-world ID – and that real-world ID is 100% controlled by government institutions. As such, any online ID system that utilizes government issued ID for verification, is still subjected to the issues of Identity theft. In this sense, it is less privacy preserving as conflicts with identity theft can only be resolved by disclosing even greater details and personal information.

Government issuers of ID are not really supportive of ‘crypto-alternatives’ – they too are gearing towards Digital ID, and more so in a restrictive nature rather than interoperable.

The main concern I have with DSID projects, is that the entire merit of the project hinges on the integrity of the ID and can it provide a sybil-proof solution that verifies proof of personhood. The second that process is compromised, then everything is back to the drawing board. A good example is Eden on EOS – who thought video verification was enough. Here we’re saying that online activity and acquiring government issued ID is enough – I don’t believe it is.
There is good reason why Sam Altman and Worldcoin have opted to go the route of direct biometrics – because he understands better than most what AI is capable of.

Can see SOLID is more so focused on the Ad-revenue side of things, and in the YT video it cites how much social platforms like facebook are generating from targeted ad revenue. Again, the issue here is none of these platforms have really been tested yet with mass deployment of AI-Agents, but they will - and it will undermine their entire revenue model.

If the core focus is on Ad revenue – which it appears to be, then I wouldn’t brand things around the ID component since it can be compromised in the absence of sybil proof solutions. Instead I would brand and pitch more around the perks offered by advertisers and setting up a web3 platform exclusively for that. Even so – I don’t place much long-term prospective value on ANY advertisers and marketing pursuits as soon enough people will start to realize that its all saturated due to sophisticated AI Agents. I don’t think anyone has a solution to this without intrusive practices with privacy. Probably more the case that we all need to accept the fact that any human conduct online in the near future will be completely undiscernible from AI/AGI behavior online.

My suggestion is to focus less on sybil-proof and branding with ID, and concentrate more on self-service Ad boards with search & suggestion functions. Personally I feel AI-Agents are more of a problem than a solution, but they’re here and now – and in 5 years or less no one will be able to discern who is human online. I could be an Autonomous AI Agent – hell, every reply to this thread could be AI – of course I don’t believe that, but that’s the point, reassurance is relegated to faith now.


love your comment, thanks

we really started on this journey as a team inspired by the web3 ethos of cutting out middleman and let handle code as much as possible - this is what we’re intending to build here.

a framework that gives you ownership of your data. that helps you to identify yourself online with less need of centralized authorities.

we do allow for KYC verification using Solana ID but even this is using tech to make sure the credentials are in YOUR hands and you are able to disclose only what’s needed to verifiers.

Solana ID is on your side ser


Thanks for good input, ser! đŸ«¶đŸŒ

We do exactly the opposite - we help you to get your ID credentials from your government issued ID document (if you want to) and have ownership over these digital credentials. They are controlled by you ultimately - and we disclose only what you allow us to disclose. This could be as simple as a zk-proof that you do own this ID document - we just send a checkmark, no personal identifiable information.

This is exactly where we come in. We want to built solutions for this. And there are many possible paths to go down - before throwing the towel and accept that differentiating humans from bots won’t be possible. We believe it can be.
Solana ID is also not ONLY here to fight sybils but also to help humans to prove their digital footprint of good deeds. Ofc this entails proving that you are NOT a bot. For now we rely on a set of credentials (onchain analysis, off-chain onramps of data points, aggregating of other credentials such as World ID or other ID solutions). The more points we can aggregate, the higher your SOLID score appears and the more valuable is your proof that you’re a human.

Not saying it is easy. Only saying that it is very important to work on.

Fair points - would love to double click! Feel free to DM me anywhere (_simol on dc). On our search for a valid business model for decentralized identity we arrived at targeted marketing based on verified ID profiles - solving problems on both sides: users have more control over their data and are in the monetization loop (compared to facebook model etc.) and apps in crypto can find the right users for their apps.

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