Jupuary Airdrop Similar to Sanctum's $Cloud

Should Jupiter Adopt Sanctum’s Airdrop Criteria for $CLOUD Tokens?

In light of the innovative airdrop strategy employed by Sanctum for their $CLOUD token, it would be cool to see that Jupiter considers adopting a similar, yet refined, approach to our own airdrop criteria. Sanctum’s airdrop had two key components: Earnestness and Capital, with a dynamic claim system that incentivized long-term alignment and active community participation.

Sanctum’s Approach:

  1. Earnestness Component:
  • Evaluated by manually reviewing millions of posts across Telegram, Discord, Twitter, websites, and YouTube up until 1st July 2024.
  • A 100% bonus could be achieved by waiting 180 days to claim the Earnestness component of the airdrop.
  • Claiming earlier resulted in a proportional bonus reduction.
  1. Capital Component:
  • A 100% bonus was achievable by waiting 14 days to claim this component.
  1. Dynamic Airdrop Options:
  • Long-Term-Aligned: Waiting to claim, with bonuses increasing over time.
  • Sanctum-Curious: Immediate claim without bonuses.

Considerations for Jupiter:

While the Earnestness component rewarded genuine community engagement, allocating 5% solely based on this metric may have been too high. To enhance fairness and encourage a broader range of valuable contributions, we suggest a tiered airdrop criterion where Earnestness is one of several factors considered. This could include:

  • Community Engagement: Active participation across social platforms.
  • Contribution to Development: Involvement in testing, bug reporting, and feature suggestions.
  • Staking and Holding: Demonstrating commitment by holding tokens over a certain period.
  • Content Creation: Producing educational or promotional content about Jupiter.

Proposed Airdrop Structure:

  1. Tiered Bonuses:
  • Different aspects of contribution could be assigned varying bonus percentages.
  • This diversified approach ensures a more balanced reward distribution.
  1. Flexible Claim Options:
  • Similar to Sanctum, offer a dynamic airdrop where participants can choose to claim early or wait for bonuses to accumulate.

By adopting a multifaceted airdrop strategy, Jupiter can foster a more inclusive and engaged community while ensuring that rewards are distributed more equitably based on a variety of valuable contributions.

As of now, Sanctum’s $CLOUD token hovers around $0.30 USD per token. Since its launch at $0.28 and achieving an all-time high of approximately $0.34, $CLOUD has showcased its success and sustainability. This steady performance highlights the efficacy of Sanctum’s innovative airdrop strategy and robust community engagement. Is this the new airdrop Meta?


It was an interesting way of doing the airdrop and the price seems to be stable. Food for thought.


No, Web 2 spamming should not be the main criteria for an airdrop.


Here’s the thing with sanctum.

1, people who were genuinely engaging did not know earnestness was a criterion. Therefore, Why would the engage? → for the benefit of the community.

  1. Sanctum filter out twitter threads such as “how to farm sanctum” as they were web3 spammers. Instead, the went through every chat log, and did a tier system for how genuine someone was. If they were spamming = no earnestness.

The idea in general is good, just the question is on this “earnestness” who is the judge in fringe cases. I like the approach but would think that it is a bit in-transparent for individual perception.

I mean it is like the Community Manager conundrum. Like it is super common on Discord that you have people that repeatedly broke the Discord rules like thirty times but they also asked two question. Now they get banned for breaking the rules but even if you tell them they will complain everywhere else that they got silenced and censored for asking a valid question. I mean honestly this is no niche case. Like I have seen hundreds users like that in the last 2 years.

I will admit this is a special case but it really happens too often.

Now on example of the “earnestness” here, apart from such special situations, like the question about who is the judge has mostly for me to do with, what invalidated them? If a user did good engagement but one time in haste his wording was off or even sounded weird because of a language barrier… who decided to disqualify him how harsh? etc.

I mean just playing devils advocate here, I was not part of this whole sanctum cloud thing to begin with.


True, im sure they would have a set criteria, however that’s why I liked the tier system.

If someone is considered “fringe” the can be in bottom tier which may be worth peanuts.


I also feel it should have been announced before that it would be geo restricted had I known I wouldn’t have even bothered with sanctum’s platform. Why let you invest ect if you can’t claim. IMO that should be stated 1st I made nothing except taxable events and to top it off the earnestness when I was on platform 10-15 times and didn’t see anything about making a profile. Love Jupiter but sanctum can do themselves will never use them again even if promises of rewards.


Yeah, probably should’ve been disclosed but I guess they also didn’t want to just write hey guys use a VPN


Idk how ethical or legal VPN’s are, but Sanctum are a legit business, they probs dont wanna promote such activities


We are already paying some social media guys to create content (which by the way, i was very skeptical about but they are doing an excellent job at it)


Yeah i think they are too. However, please note, they wont announce the criteria until after that snapshot is done


I think airdrop like last year is ok.


Only issue is, people have been farming it hardcore in anticipation for it to be same. I hope it rewards more genuine users over whales volumes on swap.


Great idea but any release of criteria will be farmed and no one legit gets rewarded properly. There are many natural metrics atm:

  1. Total JUP votes from 2024 Jan 31st - 2025 Jan 31st tiered into batches.
  2. Being in the JUP community
  3. Using JUP products - volume, transactions, transaction failure rate etc

Yes Spot on Mate!

That’s how it should be :upside_down_face: :innocent:


Remember how hard they were criticized for it?

Also remember that Jup did reward social contributors first time around. It’s not novel.


Yeah the were fudded hard and have come out on top (so far) im really proud of the sanctum team and they may have found a winning formula. What was the social contributions for jup at the start? I believe it was when there was a google doc to fill out for people who felt they contributed? Correct me if im wrong


The Earnest experiment has served as a great eye opener for the space in general, and I imagine it will influence the airdrop meta going forward, but IMO the only reason it worked is because people didn’t know about it and it couldn’t be exploited.
The new LFG changes like airdrop vesting I’m sure will become standard tho :blush:, so will the vault for new launches…


I think that rewarding Earnestness is a good idea, but the 50% of Sanctum was crazy and made no sense. I’d allocate 5% at max because like it was said, we already have a team that their job is to provide good threads on social media about the platform.
I like the way last years airdrop was made. Yeah it might promote sybil but it’s JUP is a DEX and we need to reward the people that use the DEX and its funcionalities. Its on JUP and their partners to better detect sybils and remove those wallets.


“Earnestness” is just an excuse for insider trading. It undermines transparency and credibility. Airdrops should be objective, fair and transparent. The cloud team broke it all and all potential is gone.