First off thank you for this proposal. As many have stated this is one of the most comprehensive, clear and agreeable posts in regard to Jupuary. I agree with most of it. I am not a fan of the POAP multiplier as I am not sure how that aligns with the community. I have attended calls and did not get one. I could go purchase one but that kind of defeats the purpose. As a multiplier weighted the same as the other tokens, I can see but would not be a fan of it being a separate multiplier.
But that brings up a question are you saying holding each token would be a multiplier like holding all 4 would be a 4x (or somewhat similar) multiplier or holding one of them would be a multiplier no matter if you hold all or one?
Also, I think simple swap would need to be accounted 4. That is the bread and butter of Jupiter and also the simplest and most used. That is the purpose of Jupuary to get JUP into the hands of more people. By eliminating the simple swap that eliminates a majority of the target audience I believe.
But again great post and thanks again!