Jupiter Airdrop Proposal for JUPUARY (January 2025)

I also support Tiered
And I know that Dex usage will take more cut of the Airdrop distribution.
I don’t want other contributions effort to left unnoticed


The 3 things you mentioned are still part of the proposal I dropped
The difference is: I extend it by explaining the process but you only highlighted it

In short, In long ; we are saying same thing


It amazing the initial post of mine is doing numbers
I don’t expect it
JUP4JUP :100:


The plan is mapped out already.
That JUPUARY will continue for next 4 years after the first one
It can be scrapped if the vote to continue does not pass.
ASR is heavily funded already and there will still be extra token in the future to fund it further


I’m not zeroing the idea of not counting the volume traded on Jupiter swap.
But I want it to have less recognition
Or if not
It may stay like that and other features will have multiplier


Thank you for shining light on this. I will agree that the community were curious too. In Jupuary we trust.


Community is key, as long as genuine participants are rewarded


Your proposal covered every corner perfectly—I just love it!


Not a fan of the proposal personally as it leaves the ones who would be voting to extend/cancel the said Jupuary in the dust, with essentially the same multipliers as farmoors and threadoors.

Also to note, the same voters would potentially be diluting their hard earned holdings by voting for it. All that just to watch farmers and threaders with no skin in the game take most of it?


I love the idea but i would also like a small percentage to be airdropped to people who are new to the jup ecosystem


How will you want that to happen
Give insight

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there’s limited supply of poaps that’s why the form closes

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comprehensive list! what came to my mind was like uses of Jup in the ecosystem, so like jupSOL in vaultka, kamino, providing liquidity for JUP JLP and jupSOL allowing it to have a stable tradable asset with minimal price impact. following Jupiter team to partners they collab with, a couple came to mind at the time but off the top of my head don’t remember. Oh one example would be … LFG participation, for putting USDC in vaults, lets be honest that’s risky and we do it because its connected to JUP more than we do it for those other partners right.


I liked your proposal, for me Stake would have to be fundamental, and the rest multipliers. but stake has to be a minimum requirement.

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I’ve attended several planetary calls but never did the POAPs. What is the process. Go easy, I’m new here and older​:joy::+1:


First off thank you for this proposal. As many have stated this is one of the most comprehensive, clear and agreeable posts in regard to Jupuary. I agree with most of it. I am not a fan of the POAP multiplier as I am not sure how that aligns with the community. I have attended calls and did not get one. I could go purchase one but that kind of defeats the purpose. As a multiplier weighted the same as the other tokens, I can see but would not be a fan of it being a separate multiplier.

But that brings up a question are you saying holding each token would be a multiplier like holding all 4 would be a 4x (or somewhat similar) multiplier or holding one of them would be a multiplier no matter if you hold all or one?

Also, I think simple swap would need to be accounted 4. That is the bread and butter of Jupiter and also the simplest and most used. That is the purpose of Jupuary to get JUP into the hands of more people. By eliminating the simple swap that eliminates a majority of the target audience I believe.

But again great post and thanks again!


Thank you so much for this
I’m taking note of most of comments under this post
Of which I will make a referencing in the future when times comes and I will remove ones community feel less concerned about


The main reason I make it a multiplier is that
Active stakers already gotten ASR


Let assume the total jup proposed to token holding multiplier is 100
Then each token should have equal multiplier i.e 0.33x per token holding
Since poap been a multiplier is going to be zeroed
There should be a minimum to hold
Not just all holders


Simple swap will surely be accounted for
I just want it to have less impact