Sorry to be crude, but I do not quite asked for help as there is no fundamental misunderstanding. I feel a bit put out of context as I could circle back to all already said and be helpful myself to explain what I already said- or be condescending and argue you should read better what I did or did not imply and what it entails. My “beef” was settled, I do not want to take the discussion down a darker side, even tho I feel I would win these argument points if put to the test.
In short, to your points:
- Pretty much part of my prior: “a DePIN is not excluded by having this and that, I never said that and making that implication is a lazy low hanging fruit, all I said if something is a sole major definer then it is excluded” Please do not try to give me a history lesson on HNT. You say no one outside got a hotspot? Funny that I had them then. You say it was first only for US? Yeah right cause of the encoding but they let me purchase more. I did the first 868 MHz ISM band conversions myself. From the first 36 EU hotsposts (only moment the metric was insightable) 12 were mine. Helium was not a DePIN at it’s time, it did not use the phrase so the argument of if they misused it it redundant. I deployed them also in the US before I deployed them in EU. Not because I was forced into the only possibility being managed devices, but because it was the creative solution to be there early. It was a “can” not a “must”. I beg to differ. And that:
It was a hell lot of time and effort trying to explain people about…
Sorry but I have to take the risk of sounding arrogant, but hey maybe it was “a hell of a time and effort” for you. But not for everyone and not for me. I had people lining up for my installations, in the US and EU. For over a year I had always more people that wanted to host than I had time and devices. In germany I even went into a high spot on mountain with a small settlement of like 30 houses, and picked the house by subjective visual assessment where I wanted my lorawan antenna on, rang the bell and had my new host in under 10 minutes.
I am not a salesman and hate cold calling. But honestly
nowadays it is harder to get hosts because of competition and more negative opinions with normies about blockchain. Back then it was a piece of cake.
- The big cherrypick, book 3 chapter 44. Look, the De in DePIN does mean decentralized, but in context. All I read here is a creative argumentation to bend logic on my criticism, no refute or helpful insight, sorry. It has nothing to do with the rewards, maybe read more into the core definitions of DePIN

Also funny that you slipped up yourself, you need to not build openings when argumenting:
Just because they are not doing it currently doesn’t mean they will never do it right?
So you are actually admitting that they are not doing it at the time, right? Look you are free to chime in positive and say you consider things a DePIN because many can participate and get rewards. Fair game. Just does not meet the inherent definition. I too can decide that airlines are absolutely environmental friendly because they offer the option to carbon offset your travel. But some would call me a clown for it. For you DePIN means “everyone can participate and get rewards” … so for you there is no difference between DePIN and DeFI? It applies to both and many other things.
Even though someone else is deploying on my behalf, I am owning the hotspots in Dabba Network and I am reaping the benefits. Tokens are accruing to my wallet and not Dabba Inc or the Deploying entity.
Your owning nothing by the way, at least not the hotspot, you maybe own an NFT. Things I own in DePIN are under my absolute control. I can plug and unplug them, and even if a project would go bust and the hardware turns useless, I would still actually own it because of physics. When the wallet with NFT gets compromised (which never happened to me) I would still own it because it exists in my plain of reality, I still got the device. Dunno, I think it is just a good try with effort from you, a give you that, but to me it is still trying to twist a lot.
- Nice try my friend but again you missed some info I clearly put out there prior. Better sometimes to pay attention to details. I said I own property in Calcutta and in Shanteniketan Birbhum. So firstly please do not assume I know less than you about things in India, I will spare you the condescending educationary ramble about the times I did imports there and how lovely I find their police if you treat them with respect but hey… to each their own.
The fact that Dabba is able to figure out a way to get through those hurdles speaks volumes of their understanding of the local situation and finding innovative ways to get ahead.
You really want to argue that it “speaks volumes of their understanding” ? Guess what, everyone I speak and work with in India that is a native resident… has a great understanding of the local situation and knows how to handle them. Given that I have a good network of Brahmin professors from Visva-Bharati University, a few Kshatriya friends, and a lot Vaishya traders do to import and export shenanigans, I might be pampered there, but usually work with municipalities, local authorities and even the court system is no rocket science (if of course you have countrymen support).
Anyway, yes it got longer than I wanted too, in fact I did not want to ramble here anymore but you triggered the trapcard. Funny that you say:
hopefully you ponder over those points and allow yourself to rethink what a DePIN could be and not stick to one specific definition.
when I made a point about terminology and how to not mis-interprete or misuse a definition. Maybe you should ponder about what I actually wrote before and not cherry pick and resort to only taking low hanging fruits?
It is easy to not admit that something is not correct but doing that slight of hand to say “rethink and not stick to specifics, rather thing of what it could be”…
I am not here to sell anyone on a vision, so do not try that with me either.
Also you miss the point about maximalists entirely. It is a self deprecating term that I said to call me a DePIN maximalist because I uphold a very definition of the word. Saying you hope we don’t need DePIN maximalist in context of this debate or my arguments is nothing else than saying “I hope we do not need someone that looks at things if they are correct” … I mean hey why not just call it a DePIN but also… a spacestation? a banana? Utopia? a revolution? Who cares am I right? Lets not stick to specific defintions and allow ourselves to rethink it…
Blockquote (I saw you brought up Twitter in some context. But I don’t get any rewards and I can’t own anything on Twitter. Not even my tweets. So, it makes zero sense to bring Twitter or any other centralized entity in to this discussion.)
Look maybe you should read properly “in some context” because if that makes zero sense, than many of the arguments you said make zero sense and also what others wrote in defense. Because that is exactly my point. They also argued how it is still a DePIN although it does not meet the criteria. And I used Twitter and ATMs as an example how you could misuse and apply. Funny how if they do it it is ok, but on other things it is not and makes zero sense. The irony.