Unstaking specific amount of $JUP

Hi! I have a problem already for couple day unstayking my jup. Any ideas how to solve this? I already raised the transaction fees to 0.01 sol but its still not processing

Good idea. Letā€™s hope it will be implemented

I have not tried to unstake yet, but I agree, why force us to unstake all if we only want to unstake a portion. I hope this gets implemented.

I totally agree with unstaking partial amounts of Jup.

Personally, I think any amount should be allowed to be unstaked at once. But I donā€™t think that is in Jupiterā€™s best interest, however Iā€™m sure there are many ways to benefit both Jupiter and the average staker of Jup.

If I were a top member of the team, this is why I would want to keep the system exactly how it is now. - The vast majority of staked Jup is likely from large holdersā€¦ holders who will not need to unstake some to pay bills, who did not stake more than they can afford to lose, holders who can still have a well diversified portfolio, even with many tens of thousands of Jup staked. The holders who are a bit less on the degen side. The ones who donā€™t panic sell. They may plan on leaving it staked for the foreseeable future to maximize the ASR rewards. It wouldnā€™t seem in the best interest of Jupiter to change this, in my opinion. Only the biggest Jup whales out there may have little interest in locking up much of an asset for 30+ days. They can usually buy and sell for profit at will, especially in a bull market after the halving, locking an asset for 30+ days may not outweigh ASR rewards.

I think there are methods for Jupiter and the community to have it both ways. A commenter earlier said something like ā€œat least $1,000 Jup". Or, there could be options set up so specific percentages can be unstaked instead of 0 or 100%

  • Why not have a system where amounts can be unstaked but in groups of 10% at a time or 25% at a time? The Restake mechanism can still exist, and so can unstaking all 100% at once. But this could serve as sort of a middle ground for Jupiter and many stakers. It could also help as sort of a 30 day DCA approach for many. If you can unstake 10% at a time it would take 300 days if no one chooses to unstake all of it at once and the user can still take advantage of much of the ASR rewards. At 25% it would take 120 days. The amount staked could be nearly as stable and it may even incentivize more of the ā€œtop 500 holdersā€ to risk locking up more of their JUP, as well as give peace of mind to the smaller holders, or the group that staked near the median amount of Jup.

Again Iā€™d rather have the ability to unstake any %, but some plan like this, (mine was poorly thought out in a couple mins) can hopefully appease the majority of holders and Jupiter as well.

I also think this would be a great idea! For folks with larger stakes its super inconvenient to have to unstake everything for 30 days if you just want access to a small portion of your JUP.

Specific amount would be nice. Donā€™t want instant unstakes though

I did wonder why i couldnā€™t withdraw a certain amount of $JUP from staking tbh.

The feature to remove a specific amount would be nice :slight_smile:


+1 upvote, came here to propose the same thing, I really hope itā€™s under consideration by the teamā€¦

Strongly agree with the proposal, the team has an obligation to develop this feature instead of trying to kidnap token stakers.
If there is a team that has a disagreement with the community about this proposal, I think that disagreement should be voted on.
If the team agrees, i hope that the team will give an estimated launch time for this function.

Yes! This is a great idea ::arrow_up: +1

I am 100% for being able to unstake a portion of staked tokens instantly, it gives the token holders the opportunity to buy more Jup and stake while not losing access to their funds (in case of a personal emergency) for 30 days. Personally speaking, Iā€™d be staking more Jup, if it werenā€™t for the fact that I lose access to that money for 30 days.

Being totally pro partial unstaking, I would probably disagree with the instant unstaking.

Currently, the team managed to draw roughly 0.3B JUP into staking out of 1.35B circulating supply, which is a huuuuge proportion staked for just a project token. This definitely has a big impact on JUP price (low) volatility and overall keeping the price relatively high, which should be desirable for most holders.