Now i have seen a lot of speculation regarding the winners of the LFG vote and the time they choose to launch their token.
I’ve noticed that many of the winners from the LFG vote do not have an evident roadmap for launching their tokens. This raises a question for our community:
Should we implement a specific timeframe for the winners of the LFG vote to launch their tokens?
Additionally, for future rounds, should we consider contestants based on their likelihood to launch their token in the near future?
Your thoughts and feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I think that the winners should launch in between 1 - 2 month too. The TGE and the listing details should be announced within 2 weeks after winning the vote. If later on their are additonal cex or other launchpads joinig, its normal, but the date and everything should be announced very soon after winning.
every project should have a serious roadmap. But i agree with you 100 percent that there should be a current and updated roadmap before the vote. I think thats just as important as the discussed timeline.
Yeah of course. In case I wasn’t being clear what I meant was a roadmap to listing. Separate or as a part of a larger roadmap for development of the project.
Yes there should be a time limit , tbh without time limits the project won can farm indefinitely to seek better investments either through fundraising directly or in some other way.
The time limit should be maximum 4 weeks , if you aren’t ready to be launched in 4 weeks don’t apply in this round , apply in next round.
1-2 months defs is reasonable. I dont think anyone has gone beyond that (i.e sanctum getting close) however, the may farm Jupiters engagement for their own benefit. Ofc the rewards are determined late June, so if they haven’t launched by then, it may raise concern to the 0.75% distribution.
There could be new unfavorable external factors that could impact negatively to the TGE. While I believe there should be a clear commitment on a locked TGE date, I also believe that the projects should have the flexibility to adjust their plans (reasonably) if the circumstances change.
Time frame should be left for projects to decide that, allow the project enough time to plan and come up with good tokenmonics, what’s the point rushing rushing projects to launch?
Makes sense to have 3 months… giving a bit more time, working in a quarterly basis which is great! And as we all know community interaction with projects needs time!
A requirement to launch within a specific amount of time, say within 90 days, or
A specific roadmap that identifies the launch date so the community knows what we are getting into.
If a launch is delayed, there should be an escalator clause in the agreement that requires the project to provide more tokens to the rewards pool if they fail to meet their deadline.
If they miss the deadline twice, the community reserves the right to revoke the launch opportunity if desired
If any launch date is missed, the project must release an announcement within 48 hours explaining why.