PIGMO Application to Jupiter LFG

Dont have much to say for this project. As an OG holder i can say that team may be good at codes and developing the app, but very bad at management. Constantly only do things according to hype on X, changing things such as airdrop mechanism and many other things for the past years, many times showing unprofessional behavior, etc. Even as a holder, i would vote NO for the project to be on LFG i’m sorry. Just my opinion, thanks. (some of the nice replies here may sound a bit true, and most of them came from a newer holder who minted PIGMO not previous versions before it turned into PIGMO.


But you’re not a holder or OG are you – maybe a holder of Solcasino NFT. Notice how you said “I would” rather than “I will”. Its because you’re not actually a holder and talking in a hypothetical context as if you were. Not quite a Freudian slip but close enough. Nice try.

Like what does this even mean exactly? – They taking direction from trending hashtags or something :smiley:

Yeah they updated and improved it, I like it.

Look put it this way – Jupiter community can either get behind the project with support and reap the benefits, or you can miss out. Either way its launching and will be a successful project.

One of the pigmo fans streaming and slinging big bets. See that $100,000 win, all paid out. Sad that some trying to discourage others – its a fun platform and growing fast. Pulls better revenue than all others in gamblefi, and hasn’t even completely launched.



It’s weird how I read all this and it said competitors this and competitors that. I see that your discord makes memes always targeting solcasino and bashing them. I also see the screenshot you posted even proved you guys hate the competition for some reason (bottom right of the guy streaming). I see no hate coming from your competition directing pigmo. Even rollbit and solcasino communities enjoy each other except your community, pigmo that always posting harsh things. I would vote NO as well to this application.

I don’t know anything about the past but maybe fix the attitude and hate of other communities first. I love jupiter because it is real team members looking to create the best for solana. Right now I see you this community as hateful towards the competitors but keep bringing them up. I would love for you guys to try again when the act of the community is much better. Again my vote is a NO.


Bro, and the application was from the oldest version of pigmo or the actual?

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Definitely one of the best casino only + the nft staking I think this project could be a smart investment for anyone


Banter is not the same as hate, memes are just that. What I do consider hate for a project is coming into the discord and fudding the crap out of it, and then going on the forum application and socials to try and sabotage progress and trust.

Your point is akin to saying 'Apple or Samsung are horrible companies because some of the consumers trash iOS and others Android. You’re voting on a project and its proposal, but if you wish to vote with your feelings and bias then that is your call.


I want to make a full statement on pigmo previously crashout .

So if i remenber right crashout first started as crash game using dust, before being a full casino. Don’t have much to say about that cause i was not really a holder back then. Let’s talk about crashout times and what happen ?
What and how the team managed this !

So crashout is a casino made in house. The team always claimed to not be a whitelabel casino as solcasino and others, and to build ui and everything ( house games from scratch) i can’t say much about that because i don’t really have the knowledge to talk about that!

So the team released the casino, volume was nothing crazy but decent the team and particulary kevin( who is by the way really strong to hype people and make you look bad when you ask question ! Or being negative as what he’s calling people asking too much questions !) was talking about having big plans and take over duel bots which was at this time the biggest casino project on sol i would say ! To be honest he was always hyping people and talking about a bright future.
We had a few payout as holder we were told that we would have and always would be 70% of revenue of the casino!
Then things started to get ugly, apparently an exploit happen and the team said they need to recover funds and pay the debt to the provider before being able to fully start doing payout again, so at the begining they were posting updates casino was up and runing generating revenues to pay the debt months passes and debt was fully paid, i dont remenber what exactly happen at that time but the team find an excuse to not do payouts and were not so keen to share metrics as they used to do weekly ! Then with the hype of the brc 20 they decide to implement a lottery system like rollbit but with a brc 20 token “cout ”.
Mint ( free just paying fees) happen launch was terrible and many people complain!
The team then realize it was not that easy doing stuff with brc 20 and after the hype tech was
Not that great they never really built the lottery system and decided they were working on something else a rebrand while crashout was still up and running with a decent player base .
The team started building their new website or at least that’s what they were saying and stop updating on metrics or even considering doing what their project was built on revenue sharing of the casino profits !

Months passed, and then, they rebranded to pigmo, closed their casino (crashout) and told the user they could find their balance on the new casino pigmo, where in between weeks passed by the way and pretty sure they only said it in discord, i can’t say if all the player base was on the discord, and if so they all get their funds back but i doubt it, i believe they stole money in the process.
They then started farming engagement on twitter to grow the account and relaunch with a futur planned 10k supply. When i ask to the team what was the plan if they would not sell out they laught at me !

They had issues minting and ended up cutting supply to 5K (i wont explain the drama between the elixir launchpad team and pigmo it could take some more time but it was quite funny they insulted them and then deleted some tweets, and threatening the team etc etc …) so apparently i was right but the team had not much plan for that !

So since then the team is building the next step and something to surpass all the casino already built, but we only have originals games for now !
One guy of the team kevin is particulary toxic with the community and usualy talk in a pretty rude way if you ask too much question or are «fudding» the casino, it looks quite like a cult to be honest either you are with them or if you ask too much stuff you are fudding or being negative !

I have so much to say about one of the founder kevin he’s really bad at dealing with people and the team have big issues communicating with people but i got recenlty banned from the discord while i was talking with one of the founder kevin.

Seems like he have a new branding he’s rich as fck (im using his own word) so i start asking some question and as you can see on the screen shot below he was really keen with me !
And then stated that duelbots was a whitelabel casino and when i asked proof the only thing he said was « wanna bet 10k ? » which is a really odd answer to be honest!
So he then stated that it was a whitelabel and team stole money claiming they build it from scratch and lied basically !

I think its pretty good resume of pigmo what happen and what the team is really doing ! I for sure missed important stuff and im sure some og there could help me bring even more concerning stuff to the table !

So do you want the dao to vote for a project like this ? With founders like this ? I hope the answer is no, i doubt they’ll pass a check with the working group anyways lol !

Have a good day and thanks for reading me !


Ps: it does looks like a cult lol, all of what i’m saying here is true and many ogs could vouch for this !


This is the top 3 pettiest thing I’ve witnessed in my life. The real story is we were all having a great time rejoicing our staking going live today. The whole Pigmo family was having a jolly good time and spirits were high. Until Edwin showed up and started with all his negativity like he ALWAYS does. I can post screenshots here of every conversation he has had on our discord and it is always negative and brings all of us down. Today he was calling the devs not good enough despite them proving they are the best so he was rightfully banned. We don’t need hi negativity, we’d rather him sell the nfts and move on. good luck with everything. We only want good people with positive attitude in the PIGMO family. True to his nature, he has come straight to this place to make sure he gets back at Pigmo for banning him. Absolute childish behavior. I am tired of defending our project everyday. At this point, we are going to make it big. You can be a part of us or not. Either way, Pigmo is going to make it.


Firstly, I find this rather distasteful and inappropriate – and I do wish the Moderators would stop allowing such intentional slander to be aired. I am starting to question the neutrality of Moderator/s as I am getting feedback that many pending posts are being suppressed that are of a positive nature towards the project.

I have a number of replies here because people are reaching out to me with further information and can see that I don’t seem to be restricted with posting approval.

So it seems you were banned for fudding in the discord, and have a history/reputation for doing this.

Lets move on to the substance of what you have said – and allow me to summarize your lengthy rant.

  1. Pigmo rebranded from previously ‘Crashout’
  2. An exploit occurred with Crashout
  3. Effected users were reimbursed in full
  4. You have an un-favorable opinion of the founders
  5. The NFT mint was intended for 10000 supply, but changed to 5000
  6. Founder hypes up community, and is quote “rich as fck”

I mean, had it not been so clear what your intent is – I would consider half of these points to be a positive thing. I’ve been around several projects that have unfortunately experience exploit attacks that have effected users – Almost none end up recovering, let alone covering the loss entirely. The fact that Kevin has taken the hit and covered community losses, all whilst rebuilding anew and moving forward with even greater traction – that says a lot, and its rather interesting how you have convinced yourself that he was wrong to do so. I guess when you’re so emotionally wound up, its difficult to be objective.

So you know this already – because I was present also when it happened. The Mint issue had nothing to do with the team; It was a congestion issue on Solana chain itself, and this effected the entire Solana ecosystem at the time. This information is public and in their discord announcements, so I’m not sure how you think the team is at fault there. The supply was cut to 5000 because the congestion was so great that people were having great difficulty in getting tx’s to clear for the mint.
I’d like to add here also, that they adjusted the tokenomics and staking rewards relative to the reduced supply, so now every NFT is currently earning double the amount of tokens.

To your other “points” – Yes the team/founder is well resourced, and yes he does hype the community up. I’ll say it again, not really sure why you see this as a negative. I get hyped when I hear @meow yell “Lets Fkn GOOO”. Perhaps its a preferential thing for others – I personally love the energy.

Is the pigmo founder a little rough around the edges? – sure, I think your screenshots highlight that. And I think any discerning individual can also see that he has an excited and passionate temperament. Much of which is also in a light-hearted comical spirit.

I personally get along well with Kevin and the team – as do I with many here from Jupiter community. I will personally vouch for his relentless dedication and commitment to the community, and I do enjoy the way he handles fudders like yourself – abrupt and direct.

Can see that you have also edited in comments of my own from their discord. That’s not cult behavior – that’s me being a leader and standing behind what I support. And to encourage a more balanced sentiment with your personal vendetta against the team.

Overall, I find this unchecked slander towards an LFG applicant as rather embarrassing for both you, and how it reflects back on quality control with moderators. The Jupiter team is most definitely capable in their ability to vet applicants if they deem something mistrustful, but I will not let you or your sock puppets attempt to discredit this project without response.


Pigmo or Crashout.

I have been a holder of crashout for years.The pain i have suffered from that was insane. Kevin constanly told us holders that crashout would go to the moon and etc. The floor price of the project really pumped when he would do that. very few things actully happened about the things he stated.

In the original Crashout NFT collection there were a supply of 999 where 70% of the casino revenue would be spil amongst holders of crashout. very few times this actully happened.

Out of nowwhere the whole team went silent for about 6 month. No updates, no chatting no nothing. And the one day they came back. Then after a lot of FUD and a lot of people acuesing them of not paying their withdrawels they decided to change their name to Pigmo.

While all this was happening they also said that they were applying for a casino license and its hard to belive that after almost a year.that they still havent got it.

When pigmo minted it was originally 10.000 supply but due to low demand for the nft. So the supply was cut in half. So when i had my crashout nfts i would get a decent % of the profits and now with pigmo my share would be a lot lower. The thing we got in compensation was 1 pigmo per crashout. So i contacted The gambler one of the founders and he told me that the team had remebered all them that stayed with them and would give us insane rewards not just nfts. Also he told me that the Pigmos nfts that would be given to us crashout holders would be the most rare ones. that did also not happen. They were all randomized.

Lastly. I got tired of waiting and waiting and wanted to now know how things were actully going. So i asked the team some questions and none of them got answered but i was just told to be quet and let the team work. That was were frustating for me to hear, since i had been there for so long so, i said that it was very weird you couldnt get your questions answered when they were to hard.

Feel free to ask if you are in doubt of anything.

Here is 2 screenshots of me and the gambler private chat!

I can only put 1 picture in this post sadly


Ahhh sticks. Another one from the fud crew who got banned from discord for fudding hard. I dont know kind of person you need to be to fud your own bags. He posted this minutes after interacting with my tweet above.
How bored must Kevin and the team be to rug you and the come back again to rug you again? Unlike devs who disappear, these guys are staying on and improving constanty. Literally every day. Sticks is not the first nor the last person who’s going to fud us. Pigmo is beyond all these naysayers. To infinity and beyond!


What evidence do you have that this was due to ‘low demand’? You don’t – because this is a lie. The issue was that Solana was congested and minting was stalled on Ovals, this effected the time sensitive criteria’s for different minting tiers and conditions.

Tension arose between Ovals and Pigmo as the former threatened to withhold minting funds and NFT’s over communicational disputes between both. It was amicably settled, but the overall mint was severely effected. This mint occurred on 14th of March – which everyone can cross check the date with the peek solona congestion. Your screenshot is two months prior which can not take into account what actually happened during the mint.

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First of all everything i do is trying to relate the story, by telling facts and, it’s not always to be taken negatively, that’s your own understanding of the story lol.

I need to answer this cause first of all you forget to mention (by purpose or no) obvious evidence about someone doing accusation over an other project, and when asked for proof he says bet 10k, what kind of attitude is this ? How can you defend this kind of behavior lol anyways let’s go to the points i have.

First of all it’s funny how asking question and being realistic about what happen become fudding straight away, i think you did not been in this project long enough to understand what happen, and how the team is really bad at communicating with holders, and how badly they dealt and reacted to everything, poor management and really bad communication !
I said pigmo rebrand from crashout, yes it’s true and nothing wrong about a rebranding right ? But the way it has been done months of wait for holders with litlle to no news, casino was still generating revenue and the team refused to be transparant about that once the debt was paid and nothing was shared anymore nor metrics or profits ( project was 70% of profits to holders btw !). They suddenly closed the crashout casino with an existing player base saying on discord the balance would be transfered on pigmo ? How is this even legal lol, imagine someone not following the discord cant access the website and dont see the twitter rebranding ! That’s straight stealing funds from players ! And that’s a concerning thing !

Idk why you are talking about affected users lol it shows you are not an og if you can’t understand the exploit im talking about it was the casino house that suffer from that and not the users !

Its not about having a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the founder lol i been in this project almost two years i know exactly all the flows of the team and kevin, and you dont talk to people like that its a fact !

Mint was a shit show and team threatening ovols was even more a shit show lol that’s this project you want on LFG BTW ???

Founders keep hyping community for over 2 years ser and what did he delivered so far doing 1:1 for crashout holders from a 1k collection to a 5k!
Crashout holders were supposed to receive revenue from the casino and they did a few time but not after the debt was fully repaid the team straight lied to the holders and holders got screwed big time !

There is so much concerning stuff with pigmo!!

And saying jupiter moderators are not fair lol ?
That they dont want pigmo on LFG i dont know but i hope people will realize the truth on this project and how they screwed holders and players from the previous casino !


In case you didn’t realize – You’re engaging in defamatory remarks towards a company on a public board. And yes – Jupiter can be held liable also if they do not remove such defamatory statements once its been brought to their attention.

See Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act - US Law.

I’ve had enough of this slander campaign, and you are potentially hurting Jupiter itself with your actions.

This kind of behavior needs to be prohibited on this public forum, with much needed documentation for Terms of Use, Disclaimer policy, and removal of defamatory statements.

I hope this stops immediately lest further potential damage is done to the reputation of Pigmo and any applicants hereon.


I do not know why you are still defending this team to be honest!

So how do you call it when a team close their casino and only announce it on twitter and discord from one day to an other ???

Well they did threaten ovols team and then just deleted tweets lol that’s true mate its exactly what happen :slight_smile:

How do you call when a team stop answering holders when they promised them they would resume payout after debt was paid again you were not in this project at this time mate and again this team is operating a casino while members are usa based so because you are talking about laws yeah let’s talk about laws operating a casino while residents are us based, and everything that happen during crashout times im not sure an investigation would help them lol !

Ps: pretty funny that we are multiples people that can vouch for this and somehow you call it fudding and defamation lol !

Ps ps: let’s bring ovols team and asked them if im lying let’s take a look at my screen shot were kevin is straight defamating duel bots team accusing them of stealing money from holders ! That’s your founder by the way ser ! So yeah i believe pigmo do not belong on LFG !


There is stating your opinion, and then there is making flat out accusations that are unproven and damaging.

Word things appropriately.

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You are either in a big denial phase or dont want to realize which team you are supporting so can you answer me how long have you been in this project ?

Ps: pretty funny somehow that you are defending someone defaming people as you seem so eager to not let that happen on this forum !


This is not some private chat group ok – these are legitimized companies and a very public board to targeted audience.

If you can’t back up your accusations with concrete evidence, then don’t submit it or word it differently.

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Well if you look at my screen shot in my first message you can see kevin saying duel bot is a white label, and again referring to duel bots he is saying that they did not build anything and they straight stealing your dollar.

That’s what you can see on the screen shot mate how do you call this ? Defamation right what about asking ovols team what happen during the mint ? You did not said anything on that somehow important matter !

Because the truth is all that we are looking for right ? And again can you answer me how long have you been in this project? myself around two years, and you, so i can understand if you know anything about what you are talking about or are straight uninformed !


That is not the statements I’m talking about here, and if those comments were said to you privately then they don’t constitute defamation either.

Specifically accusations of stealing funds, and calling it a scam – that is libel ok. You can state your opinion, but you and others have put these remarks in the context of unproven facts.

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