Nurturing Our Jupiverse Together: Catdets and Cats of Culture

Nurturing Our Jupiverse Together: Catdets & Cats of Culture

Over the past 11 months since the previous Jupuary, the Jupiter community has grown and evolved through countless ideas, feedback sessions, and collaborative efforts. As a result of this collective work, we now have two special roles – Catdets and Cats of Culture (CoCs) – designed to celebrate contributions and uphold the ethos that has made our community so vibrant. These roles also help the community stay transparent about who has been stepping up as leaders, mentors, and guides within the Jupiverse.

A Community-Driven Approach

The Catdets Working Group (CAWG) always aims to empower everyone’s voices while keeping things transparent. We believe that each individual, whether they’re an OG or a newbie, has the potential to shape the Jupiverse. From day one, members have come together in Discord, X, Reddit, and also IRL, to propose ideas that make sure these roles reflect our shared values. Many Catdets were “grandfathered in” from the original days when the role was given out more freely, and we have since refined our approach to granting roles by continually listening to everyone’s thoughts. This essay serves as a checkpoint consolidating all of that collective wisdom.

The Catdet Role

What Is a Catdet?
Catdets are community members who consistently show up, help others, and uphold the inclusive and supportive spirit we cherish. While you will often see the Catdet role on Discord, it extends across every corner of the Jupiverse – Twitter, Reddit,, or anywhere else we connect with one another.

Why It Matters
Catdets are at the core of the Jupiverse. Catdets are like family. They embody the ethos that has guided Jupiter from the start: helpful, focused on experimentation, open to learning, improving and, importantly, having fun and doing all of it together. If you notice someone in the community who has been consistently supportive and wants to see our shared space grow, chances are they will become a Catdet.

Continuous Recognition
Because the Catdet role is very much an ethos-based role, it’s extremely rare for us to remove this title. Even if life pulls them away for a while, they are welcome back anytime. There is no door to the Jupiverse - it is always open. As long as they continue to align with our values and respect the community, they will always be a Catdet.

The Cat of Culture (CoC) Role

What Is a Cat of Culture?
Cats of Culture (CoCs) go a step further! These are the mentors, leaders, and guides who stay actively involved in our community. They are the heartbeat of the community, and help keep the Catdet ethos beating strong, serving as anchors in everything from day-to-day chats to bigger picture decisions. They are super important to the community, as they help us navigate the choppy waters and storms that come frequently in crypto, and bring us back to calm seas.

Why It’s Dynamic
Unlike Catdets, whose role is rooted in long-term values and ethos, CoCs are expected to be consistently active, contributing, and leading. As such, CoCs may move in or out of the role depending on how present they are. This ensures that leadership roles remain fresh, relevant, and closely aligned with the community’s needs.

Responsibilities and Powers

  • Providing Guidance: CoCs are a guiding force, helping shape the community’s direction and offering feedback on grants, new initiatives, and potential improvements. They are the first people the team and workgroups go to for advice and feedback on important community matters.
  • Granting Roles: They wield the important responsibility and power of selecting new Catdets based on people’s contributions and alignment with our ethos. They also can nominate, vote, and confirm the selection of new CoCs.
  • Moderation: CoCs play a key role in shaping the discourse in public forums. They also have the permission to temporarily time-out members if needed in order to maintain a welcoming environment in the Discord.
  • Active Participation: Because they have a voice in shaping the DAO, CoCs are expected to show up to discussions, propose ideas, and lead the way in actualizing our collective vision.

Selecting and Transitioning into These Roles

From Community Member to Catdet
Community members often become Catdets once it’s clear they’re active contributors, friendly helpers, or creative thinkers who genuinely uphold Jupiter’s culture. CoCs keep an eye out for folks who stand out for their positivity and initiative. Once recognized, a CoC can grant a community member the Catdet role at any time.

From Catdet to Cat of Culture
When a Catdet is consistently taking on leadership responsibilities such as mentoring new members, driving initiatives, or serving as a backbone in decision-making, any CoC can nominate them for the CoC role. The Catdet Working Group (CAWG) then connects with the nominee to learn more about their work, and the CoCs discuss the nomination. Finally, a vote of at least 80% approval among current CoCs ensures that the alignment is strong and the candidate is truly ready for the additional responsibilities the role brings.

If someone isn’t confirmed on the first go, it’s not a negative reflection. They can be re-nominated later once they’ve had more time to grow and showcase their leadership in the community.

Addressing Differences and Disputes

Defining the Ethos
We acknowledge that our ethos can mean different things to different people. Some might interpret “being helpful” or “having fun” differently, and that’s okay. Healthy conversations around these interpretations are welcome, so we can keep refining the guidelines together.

If Conflicts Arise
Anyone in the community who has a concern about how a Catdet or CoC was chosen (or is behaving) is encouraged to voice it alongside evidence and/or data of these concerns. While we don’t remove Catdet roles lightly, any breaches of trust or ethos can lead to revisiting that role. CoCs, on the other hand, are expected to be consistently active. If they’re no longer fulfilling that commitment, they may step back or have the role removed until they are ready to re-engage.

Openness and Transparency
Every three months, the Catdets Working Group (CAWG) does a quick and friendly check on how our Cats of Culture (CoCs) are doing. Think of it more like a catch-up with friends and family than any sort of audit. If life’s pulling them away and they’re less active, there’s no judgment. Stepping back is always fine, and if they want to jump back in down the road, they can just start going again and rejoin with a simple vote. The main goal is to keep the CoC role fresh and make sure those wearing it right now are actively guiding the community. Nothing more, nothing less. We love them whether they’re front and center or chilling on the sidelines, so no worries. This is just about staying transparent, ensuring the role is meaningful and clear for everyone in the community and making sure we’re all rowing together.

Looking Ahead Together

Ultimately, these roles reflect the best of what the Jupiter community has built together and has to offer. Catdets remind us of our deep family bonds, while Cats of Culture embody active leadership. Both roles are about collaboration, having fun, and continuous growth through experimentation. These qualities have defined Jupiter from the start, and will hopefully always be some of its defining traits.

This document definitely isn’t the final word. We will keep adapting as our community evolves, staying open to new ideas, constructive debate, and collective decision-making. Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or are just tuning in, thank you for everything you contribute and for helping shape a Jupiverse that we can all be proud to call home.


Special thanks to:
Mei, cuppy and the Cats of Culture for proof-reading and edits!


This is a reference document both for newcomers and in the event of conflict within the community. Thank you for publishing it here, so that we can discuss it, clarify and improve certain points.


Enjoyed reading this. Having it written in such a clear way and formulated helps us all understand how the jupiverse is structured.


Thank you CAWG for putting this together. Helps to have it spelled out. Onwards and upwards :muscle: :rocket: :ringer_planet:


Thank you CWG for this awesome document.

I strongly belive that even in a decentralized meta, it is imperative to have a structure, sense of purposese, and set expectations. It will allow to bring prosperity and sustainability in the community/ecosystem.

Additionally, it is a testament to the community, that any member could have the potential to move up through the ranks and make a positive impact regardless of how og or newbie they are.

Lastly, each role has its level of importance, set of responsibilities, and expectations. Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly, having this open document helps to promote transparency and serves to remove any perception of bias.

Great post, Catoshi.


Thank you for this insightful reflection on the Jupiverse’s growth and the introduction of roles like Catdets and Cats of Culture. It’s inspiring to see how collaboration and transparency have shaped this vibrant community, celebrating contributions while fostering leadership and inclusivity. Acknowledging both early and new voices demonstrates a thoughtful balance between tradition and innovation, ensuring the Jupiverse continues to thrive through shared values and collective effort.


Very helpful documentation. Thank you :pray:


Thanks for sharing. I can see us forming a working group very soon!


I like this concept. this allows for multiple levels of involvement.
I personal have chronic disease and disability however Im happy to contribute as much as I can and When I can . Many days I cannot even hold my phone or at a keyboard.
Im glad to see that its inclusive enough even for me to be a cadet …participating when im able across platorms


Really love having this as an ever evolving artifact here on research, W CAWG!


Thanks CAWG for such an indepth appreciation of the ethos behind what it is be to be apart of the Jupiter movement. An aspiring framework for building a community of like minded people looking for a just and fulfilling future for all.


We need an in-depth understanding like this about Jupiverse. Lets Nurture JUP together and achieve common goal


That’s a huge part of growing the pie as well!

After Catstanbul The goal is to have a Fully aligned community that can step forward into 2025 and beyond with a strong foot forward :muscle:t4:


Well let’s either have a topic specifically created where we can plan further ideas to grow the jupiverse or some more direction from the team going forward


growing the pie :grinning:
“claimed and staked”
was easy
i am still fighting… i need to increase my knowledge
then more i read more i learn and is the best way to earn experiencea
thanks lochie2001


new people would be in love with this platform and CWAG …it’s unique!


Good to know and removes any confusion :slight_smile:


I second the motion Senator :joy::joy:


Thank you for publishing this document regarding the Jupiverse culture & the roles we can step into on this journey together.

Thank you for highlighting that as life happens, our cat roles are dynamic. The door is always open.


Great write up. Hopefully this can get boosted, or shortened versions can be implemented with all of our introductory/welcome stuff.