Meow’s 2030 Lock-in

If this passes, Meow gets 7% of JUP and it gives too much power. This could hurt decentralization and community control.

The second option makes no sense! Why are 65 new team members getting 4.3 million JUP each? That’s the real question to be asked…

Sorry Meow, I respect you but I’m going to vote “Abstain” to show my concern.

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I voted to let him unstake in 2026, then sell if he needs to. No bonus

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Can’t get behind it am sorry. I believe in crypto as well and I think team is doing a great job in onboarding paid talent. It just sounds way way too high. Besides more Jup in more hands is what I believe in. So I voted abstain or no.


Will there be proof of value addition or milestones down the lane to unlock release during vesting?

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Like some have pointed out, it’s quite easy to divide 280m by 65,
but this should be of no concern to the community discuss, as the team hires and pay employees as they deem fit,
and this 280m is already allocated for in team reserve, in team funds,
the spending of which the community has zero say in (thanks to @BlueZenith for pointing that out clearly)

Rather, the focus of community should be on 220m jup, because,

  1. It’s coming out of the community fund, and
  2. It’s a bonus, all going to one person, meow.

I read your messages and mentioning “whales” leads me to reflect. This experience can be considered a metaphor for life and its challenges.

I hope this story is understood as a real testimony that has served me in my personal life. It was a tourism expedition to see humpback whales in the South Pacific Ocean. We were aware of the risks; there was no guarantee of seeing the whales , and there was no refund if we didn’t.

If the whales are willing, they surface and swim close to the small boats. The guides give you instructions, warnings, and requirements to avoid legal responsibility. You must remain calm, wear a life jacket, and hold on tightly because the movement in the open sea is strong! Humpback whales appear without a specific schedule. They come and go after feeding sufficiently for their mating season. Humpback whales use different strategies to catch their food, a variety of fish to survive and feed their calves. It is interesting and anecdotal to experience and see them emerge unexpectedly, jumping right in front of you.

In the end, I have just relived my trip and see an opportune parallel for reflection. Consider the many lessons from everyday life. Was it a risky trip? Of course, it was! When there are risks, precautions must be taken and responsibilities assumed.

My reflection is that in this ocean of projects, some of us will be shrimp, others dolphins, or sharks, and the whales are those major investors who have over 100 million Jupiter . They have advantages, including investments compounded by automatic reinvestment. They have many keys to continue their multiplication. This is common activity in the world of investments; it is not random, but a market strategy. The year 2030 or 2035 is as globalist as it is centralized, and here we are to continue an agenda that is difficult to avoid or evade because systematization is part of the new ongoing system. 500 Jup could turn into 2 whales . The current proposal to vote on is indisputable and indecipherable. I assume my risk just as I did on that trip. I hope that such a whale or whatever comes out of it does not harm the Jupiter ecosystem after 2030.

In my experience, seeing the whale up close did not paralyze me; it made me stronger because I faced my fears. We are exposed to whales in our daily lives, and we might even be feeding one without knowing its final behavior. I have had businesses and today I am a shrimp. It sounds harsh, but it serves to share when such trials have become my strength. We must not cling or obsess; we must keep moving forward, building better one step at a time to reach great heights. Success to all!

Pd. my native language is Spanish …hope you receive my narrative with my best intention. :slightly_smiling_face:


The questions then arise

  1. Why should the bonus come from only community reserve
  2. Is the bonus deserved
  3. Concerns about the amount, plus overall amount gong to meow

Personally, i think it is good to incentivize meow well enough to be committed till the proposed date.
I also feel such bonus should not come from only community reserve,
And the amount, seems much, but whatever figure is eventually agreed on, it should be a very good enough incentive, to motivate an already well established meow to remain committed to developing Jupiter in the extremely fleeting world of crypto.


Okay, some feedback/observations:

  1. This is not the first vote about Jupiter team comp. In case of WGs/grants we would know what those ppl were gonna do. In case of this proposal, there should be a table with those 65 team members, their roles and allocation. Without that basic info I am blind.
  2. My understanding was that ‘cliffed and vested’ meant that JUP could not be touched, like technically – that it was locked and would only become available at the announced time. So I am confused that suddenly Meow’s share could become available now. But I guess that’s a wrong interpretation on my side.
  3. Apart from the 7% JUP ownership, I see the 220M JUP bonus option as Meow asking to be focused, motivated and oriented. Very simplified I know. While I :100: believe he deserves it – the results speak for themselves, I am worried what happens if that option doesn’t pass? What will then be the source of his focus, motivation and LT orientation?

Imho, I also believe that Meow is taking a huge risk here. Didn’t want that to go unmentioned.

With love & respect,



Good day! And, as always, thank you for your work and the information provided! But I can’t understand one thing: why 65 new team members receive 4.3 million JUP each, and we still don’t see the results! We need to work to make Jupiter more expensive)

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Big misunderstanding here. This vote is NOT AT ALL about team comp. It is strictly about the 220M bonus to meow.


Hi @BlueZenith, your reply is addressing only the first point correct? Thanks for the clarification – noted & makes sense.

Any thoughts on the other two? :eyes:

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I completely agree with this post, really well summarised.

I for one, would love to vote for a proposal that gives Meow a bonus, if certain criteria are met. I know they say community can veto it if we’re not happy, but I think we should lay out expectations first before people vote in favour or not.

Elon Musk was given an absolutely insane compensation package which made the news a few years ago, it was like $50bn worth of Tesla stock if the stock hit certain price levels, the whole Board voted for it, Elon was incentivised to make Tesla a success, Elon becomes richest person in the world! This is a bit like that but with no mention of how success will be measured?

I also completely agree that the bonus should not be solely funded from the community - why can’t this be shared by the community and the strategic reserve?

What happens one year down the line when Meow wants to hire another few crypto teams and the community gets asked to pay for it again?

Like many have shared here, I love Meow and Jup, but I will be voting no I’m afraid. I would vote yes if there was an option to account for my comments above.


100% agree. unlock! And leave


I’m with you brother .


Can someone simplify on what is the main benefit of voting No?

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Totally agree with this! In summary:

Approving the proposal would give Meow 7% of the total JUP supply, risking centralization.

•	Voting “No” ensures 280M JUP comes from the team’s strategic reserve instead of rewarding Meow with a 220M JUP bonus.

•	Keeping Meow’s allocation locked until 2026 maintains original alignment and prevents long-term risks.

•	I respect Meow but oppose the proposal to preserve decentralization and the initial token distribution plan.

I´ll abstain.
many things can happen in 5 years


My vote in “No”. The ideal scenario would be for Meow to proceed with his plan without requesting the community bonus, maintaining a long-term commitment based solely on the value he creates himself, without relying on collective transfers.


for future proposals, can we list the pros and cons of each option? this is a much better format to easily understand the weight of each option.


The 280 (7%) million JUP will be frozen until 2030, and if I understand correctly, this is more like an investment in the project. If this incentivizes the project team for the next season, it can have a positive effect in the long run. I vote “Yes”

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