LFG Intro: Lithium Network - Empowering DePIN and Web3 transition for IoT applications


Lithium Network creates a data management layer for DePIN IoT applications, providing a trustless means for

  • Management of Private and Shared Data. Private data belongs ONLY to its owner, while shared data is monetized for the benefit of the contributors to the data pool and the Lithium community.

  • Data standardization, so different apps can reuse already existing data from existing devices instead of adding new ones.

  • Creating a NEW kind of utility network where the contributors are its users as well and not only adding devices they would never need to use.

Currently the Lithium App is in LIMITED BETA. Only 1000 active users will be allowed at the first stage to join. If you want to participate you can check the Lithium Network Website

What kind of IoT solutions will the Lithium Network support?

It will support any IoT solution that can benefit decentralization and fair data monetization.

For example:

  • Smart city applications

  • Energy efficiency and energy communities

  • Supply chain monitoring

  • Transport and delivery

and many more. You can find some examples with detailed explanations on our website: Use Cases - LTHN

And even more. Our Data Pools design provides a way for apps to use data that is generated by other apps thus creating intersections of the data and creating endless possibilities for new use cases.


What are the Data Pools?

With the vast explosion of IoT solutions, businesses, institutions, and even ordinary people in their smart homes are using tens of different applications simultaneously that usually do not integrate. This leads to many missed opportunities to use all the data they already have for even better results, and at the same time leads to huge overhead to manage and maintain all systems.

Developers can create any app using the Lithium Data Layer organising it in pools. Different applications can use both their data and data provided by other apps.

Here are some example data pools and some possibilities for Use cases that are created out of their intersections:

Data Pools Examples

The Team

The team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience spanning the realms of IT, IoT, Web3, and marketing industries.

Each member brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table, ensuring a well-rounded approach to our project. With backgrounds in technology, marketing, business, and finance, our team is poised to tackle the multifaceted challenges of building and scaling a decentralized sensor network.

From developing cutting-edge technologies to crafting strategic marketing campaigns and driving financial growth, our collective skill set covers all facets of our venture. Together, we are committed to revolutionizing the way data is collected, shared, and utilized, driving innovation and impact across industries.

Gabriel is a seasoned developer and entrepreneur. He has a lot of experience in the design and implementation of Smart Home solutions through his startup Picromatics.

While building Smart Home solutions he sees the issues his customers have and comes up with the idea of building a decentralized community safety solution that would provide the tools for residential communities to help each other in the case of emergencies and disasters.

Hristo is a serial entrepreneur with a background in IT, Business Development, and Marketing.

He has an interesting experience with crypto. He bought his first Bitcoin back in 2014 (for ~$400) and sold it shortly after that (stupid, isn’t it?). The reason was that while he strongly liked and believed in the concept of decentralisation he could not see how Bitcoin can become a payment method. He got back in crypto in 2020 and he learned about the Helium Network at the beginning of 2021. This is what inspired him the most. He strongly believes that DePIN is the future and that Web3 will provide powerful solutions to build solutions that never existed before.

He founded HeliumMart and became one of the leading providers of Helium Hotspots. Later he founded QNECTD - a new generation of IoT provider that is focused on building solutions on top of the Helium Network and is currently an official member of The Helium Foundation and partner of Nova Labs.

He embraced Gabriel’s idea and contributed to expanding it to a Data Management Layer for any kind of IoT application because during his experience he found that municipalities and corporations have different kinds of IoT solutions that work on different technologies and platforms that are often locked by the vendors and cannot be integrated.

Deyan is an experienced software developer with more than 20 years of experience. His latest experience includes working on Hedera’s APIs and in cyber security solutions for big corporations.

Stefan is an experienced software developer with 9 years of experience in the field. Over the past 4 years, he has successfully led multiple teams across diverse projects, including healthcare, gaming, urban mobility, and cybersecurity. In addition to his professional work, he also shares his expertise by teaching at the University of Bucharest

Marius is a co-founder at Webit Factory - a development company with experience in a lot of Blockchain projects and huge experience in Solana development. Webit Factory backed Lithium by providing expertise, development of smart contracts, and advisory. Marius himself is our Tech Blockchain advisor.

Indeflationary Tokenomics

The Tokenomics is still in its Draft phase, but you can see some glimpse of it in our LitePaper

We are developing a new type of Tokenomics that is focused on the long term growth of a DePIN project which have very little in common to DeFi from business and growth perspective. Despite that most DePIN projects just adopt some of the well known structures and later have huge issues with its growth because of that. But more on that topic we will share very soon on our blog with all the considerations that were made.


The future of IoT is Open Source and Decentralised! Let’s build it together!


Hello Lithium Team,

Project is pretty interesting. Could you please answer the questions below?

  1. How much capital is raised for this project and who are the investors?

  2. If we already have IoT sensors, can we map that data into the Lithium Network or do we need to only use Lithium sensors to receive points.

Thank you!

  1. We do not have VC funding so far. Everything is bootstrapped.
    We wanted to have a working Beta before we start to look for investment, because this way it would be easier to cut a better deal for the project. :slight_smile:
    But we are open to offers, even from private investors.

  2. At this point you need to add Lithium Sensors. The reasons are various:

  • the sensors are preenrolled on the backend, we need them to be connected to Helium Network and so on and it is not so easy to create an open panel for any kind of sensor out there
  • we need to know what is the sensor in order to validate the data at this point.

In future we plan to make some integrations, but we are not there yet.