Laguage Boarder Marketing

I study Marketing and Economy in Cologne.Milions of People will take part in Crypto but the Boarder of Language is to high.
I live in Germany and the most People i know here dont speak English.
My English is to bad to understand all Tasks ,Airdrops and so on.
If the Cryptoiindustry dont accept that it is needin to translate by Hand and not by AI , EVERYTHING in the Main 20 Languages , it will take the next Ten years to double the Participants.
I feel lots of times frustrated by not understanding everything because the Language.
A serious Cryptoproject will not be (sorry) so arrogant to post everything in english.
To much people DONT speak English.
This is a to high boarder to take Part in crypto.
For example , if you try maybe at Binance to switch to German Language it just dont work.
Crypto Projects ignore this Point to make translation by Hand AND for Dummies for EVERY Text they post.
Big Projects look poore by not having enough Money that everybody on Earth can understand what they write on theyr Pages.
Just my English is by far not good enough to understand all things .
This is a big frustration Point and loosing of Time , for example at Airdrops … people are irritated , frustrated and than they quit crypto.
How to get to the Moon when you dont reach the “Spaceship”.


I understand u :100:

I’m from the German community and i one of these humans that not able to speak in a specific topic on a deep level. I learned english in school for 5 years. What kind of learning was these: we listened cd’s they teach u to order a tea, beer or sandwich.

By translating thins we were encouraged to use the correct grammar right from the start and as homework we were always asked to translate vocabulary and memorize it in order to get good grades in vocabulary tests.

To learn basice this might be ok, but my problem was i had never practice to proof my learnings. I never was visiting a country on this world where english the only thing is to communicate.

Now in crypto this changes something for me. Here you only understand if you understand the language. For sure there some German communitys out there but the main surces of all thing remains in englich, so for me there was no way to translate everything i want to understand. This takes so many time, but i learned more about understanding the language and writing it as in my whole schooling thing.

If i have to speakt i’m the same noob as the beginning of my journey :smile:

To come back to the topic: if you are forced to understand things in another language, your own learning success can be higher, but I would be in favor of opening the space to other languages as well, as it can also be a deterrent for people who have problems with other languages.
Due integration of AI-supported programs should already be feasible today.


Hi together,

im also from Germany and u are absolut right, the english language is not for everyone easy to understand.

An integration of AI-supported programs would be great…


AI-supported translation would be nice for non english speaking people.

But maybe we can create a working group to help other germans or translate important things manually.


Hey man, you’re smart for asking for help because there’s billions like you.

English is one of the 4 languages I know. As a non-native English speaker from Europe, I learned English and practiced it to become fluent in speaking in writing.

As a German you might want to consider a German example. Look at for example this German guy MM Crypto. He became one of the top crypto influencers and has a net worth of $100M USD living in a villa on the palm islands in Dubai. He has a strong accent but he does his best, he’s an authentic German, and they love him.

You don’t need to know English to be successful in crypto, but you might as well learn it since all of the best content and communities are in English. Having said that, below is what you can do and what Jupiter can do.

What you can do

  • Join the German speaking Jupiter Discord Channel

  • You can learn English and gain access to almost all information of the world, instead of staying in a little German bubble which is 1% of the world (80M vs 8B)

  • You can easily put a Google Translate plugin on your browser to translate and of the English content into German.

  • You can use Google Translate to write in German and translate it to English, which would yield a much better result than the manual English post you wrote.

  • You can use ChatGPT to translate and understand a text in any language.

What Jupiter can do

  • Jupiter can hire someone who understands Meow his English to transcribe to understandable English which can then be translated to any other language.

  • Jupiter can hire a Translation Firm to easily translate all content Jupiter releases by professional translators to 20+ main languages which they can easily afford.

  • Jupiter website can easily implement a language switcher button with all website elements professionally translated and seamlessly switching to a language of choice.

  • Jupiter can use AI translation to translate all documents and information which already has been written down in proper English to all top 20 languages

German Translation provided by ChatGPT:

Englisch ist eine der vier Sprachen, die ich beherrsche. Als Nicht-Muttersprachler aus Europa habe ich Englisch gelernt und geĂĽbt, um flieĂźend in Wort und Schrift zu werden.

Als Deutscher könntest du vielleicht ein deutsches Beispiel in Betracht ziehen. Schau dir zum Beispiel diesen Deutschen namens MM Crypto an. Er wurde zu einem der führenden Krypto-Influencer und hat ein Vermögen von 100 Millionen USD, lebt in einer Villa auf den Palm Islands in Dubai. Er hat einen starken Akzent, aber er gibt sein Bestes, ist authentisch deutsch, und die Leute lieben ihn.

Du musst kein Englisch beherrschen, um im Krypto-Bereich erfolgreich zu sein, aber es lohnt sich, es zu lernen, da die besten Inhalte und Gemeinschaften auf Englisch sind. Damit gesagt, hier ist, was du tun kannst und was Jupiter tun kann.

Was du tun kannst

  • Tritt dem deutschsprachigen Jupiter-Discord-Kanal bei.

  • Du kannst Englisch lernen und erhältst Zugang zu fast allen Informationen der Welt, anstatt in einer kleinen deutschen Blase zu bleiben, die nur 1 % der Welt ausmacht (80 Millionen vs. 8 Milliarden).

  • Du kannst ganz einfach ein Google-Translate-Plugin in deinem Browser hinzufĂĽgen, um alle englischen Inhalte ins Deutsche zu ĂĽbersetzen.

  • Du kannst Google Translate verwenden, um auf Deutsch zu schreiben und es ins Englische zu ĂĽbersetzen, was ein viel besseres Ergebnis liefern wĂĽrde als ein manuell geschriebener englischer Beitrag.

  • Du kannst ChatGPT verwenden, um Texte in jede beliebige Sprache zu ĂĽbersetzen und zu verstehen.

Was Jupiter tun kann

  • Jupiter kann jemanden einstellen, der sein Englisch versteht und es in verständliches Englisch transkribiert, das dann in jede andere Sprache ĂĽbersetzt werden kann.

  • Jupiter kann ein ĂśbersetzungsbĂĽro beauftragen, um alle Inhalte, die Jupiter veröffentlicht, leicht in die ĂĽber 20 wichtigsten Sprachen professionell ĂĽbersetzen zu lassen, was sie sich problemlos leisten können.

  • Die Jupiter-Website kann einfach eine Sprachumschalt-Schaltfläche implementieren, mit der alle Elemente der Website professionell ĂĽbersetzt und nahtlos in die gewĂĽnschte Sprache umgeschaltet werden.

  • Jupiter kann KI-Ăśbersetzungen verwenden, um alle Dokumente und Informationen, die bereits in einwandfreiem Englisch vorliegen, in die Top-20-Sprachen zu ĂĽbersetzen.

English text written 100% manually. German text provided by ChatGPT.


You absolutely right.

I learned english in school, but today i think different about the way learning at school. To complicated.

Since my journey in space started till today, i learned many times more in English language as in school.

I’m using Deeple translator to understand deep dives, watch English speaking humans, listen and understand - slowly but ok for me.

The Problem for most Germans and their english is they learned it a “wrong” way and never practiced it - like me.

Now here in space i have to practice if i want to participate.

One thing i’m not practiced on my way - speaking.

I only can say to the german Audience:

keine Panik, wenn dein Englisch nicht so gut ist. Du kannst das lernen, es wird dich bisschen Lebenszeit kosten, aber dafĂĽr lohnen

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That’s cool that you’re learning another language. I’ve met so many people here that you translators as well, but have learnt so much from talking to the Jupiter community


always be open for new things. i´m sure my speaking experience will grow up in this space too. learn understand a language, learn thinking in this language and speaking will come some time

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Wow. I love that you shared this. Thank you so much! It brings me a lot of insight on what can be done to better our systems. —- and you’re totally right!

It is not very expensive to appropriately translate into at least the top 5 languages on Earth. — and progress from there.

It would be pretty easy for a serious crypto project, as you say; to have a work group around translating content. And the value created would be insanely exponential. — that kind of work deserves its own DAO to be honest. One that focuses on documentation and content translation for major aspects of a blockchain and its ecosystem. (ie. Solana)

Myself for example, I would love to be empowered to lead content translation in LATAM Spanish, there is a lot of really great work that can be done there and have huge impact on people’s lives, like you say.

Google says that there are these many in some top languages:

  • Spanish has 500 million speakers.
  • French has 320 million speakers.
  • German has 100 million speakers.

I am sure there are some very strategic languages that would be ideal to choose first.

If the goal is to really onboard the next billion users; this workgroup and eventual DAO would be a critical component of that future.

Anyways, thanks for the thoughts and I love your message. I feel your frustration and I hope we can figure out how to translate content for the large audiences that don’t have real access yet.


How’s the Google translation of this?

Wow. Ich finde es toll, dass Sie das geteilt haben. Vielen Dank! Es gibt mir viele Einblicke, was getan werden kann, um unsere Systeme zu verbessern. —- und Sie haben völlig recht!

Es ist nicht sehr teuer, angemessen in mindestens die 5 wichtigsten Sprachen der Welt zu übersetzen. — und von dort aus weiterzumachen.

Für ein ernsthaftes Kryptoprojekt wäre es ziemlich einfach, wie Sie sagen, eine Arbeitsgruppe für die Übersetzung von Inhalten zu haben. Und der geschaffene Wert wäre wahnsinnig exponentiell. — diese Art von Arbeit verdient ehrlich gesagt ihre eigene DAO. Eine, die sich auf Dokumentation und Inhaltsübersetzung für wichtige Aspekte einer Blockchain und ihres Ökosystems konzentriert. (z. B. Solana)

Ich selbst wĂĽrde zum Beispiel gerne die InhaltsĂĽbersetzung in Lateinamerika-Spanisch leiten, da gibt es eine Menge wirklich groĂźartiger Arbeit, die dort geleistet werden kann und die, wie Sie sagen, enorme Auswirkungen auf das Leben der Menschen haben wird.

Google sagt, dass es in einigen der wichtigsten Sprachen so viele gibt:

  • Spanisch hat 500 Millionen Sprecher.
  • Französisch hat 320 Millionen Sprecher.
  • Deutsch wird von 100 Millionen Menschen gesprochen.

Ich bin sicher, dass es einige sehr strategische Sprachen gibt, die man idealerweise zuerst auswählen sollte.

Wenn das Ziel darin besteht, wirklich die nächste Milliarde Benutzer an Bord zu holen, wären diese Arbeitsgruppe und die eventuelle DAO ein entscheidender Bestandteil dieser Zukunft.

Wie auch immer, danke für die Gedanken und ich liebe Ihre Nachricht. Ich verstehe Ihre Frustration und hoffe, dass wir herausfinden können, wie wir Inhalte für das große Publikum übersetzen können, das noch keinen echten Zugriff hat.


welcome here @Tiamoesg

As you have already mentioned, in order to get a billion people on board, the most common languages should definitely be covered.


It seems fitting to expand the Uplink working group to add in strategic content translation.


How can the crypto industry address the language barrier effectively, ensuring inclusivity for non-English speakers, while maintaining the quality of translations and simplifying communication for global adoption?


I think the projects themselves will be responsible for this. If you want to establish yourself as a company in countries where other languages are spoken, you can’t just hope that everyone speaks your language. Ok, English is “the” world language and yet there are enough people who never had the opportunity to learn this language properly, or for whom it was not important enough. Nevertheless, as a company you should want everyone to have access to your information or products, even the weakest and dumbest (no disparagement).

For me, this is part of inclusion, because our society is only as strong as its weakest link.

And yes, of course you can still have certain expectations of users :stuck_out_tongue:


These were my suggestions: