Jupiter DAO grants are for those who have begun working on something in the DAO, which they feel ready to take to the next level and want to pursue a workgroup.

We are looking for hard workers who embrace execution & iteration over perfection. Additionally, this is for WG specific grants. Other types of grants will come at a later date.

How to Find Work and Attain a Grant:

1. Start Working and Find Allies
Find what the Jupiverse needs and spearhead it in a direction. For inspiration consult items like the C.A.R.E Essay, the community bounties written about it, or the Jup & Juice Case Study.

And remember — perfect is the enemy of the good. Lo-fi & experimentation will trump high quality & hesitancy every time, so make sure you get to work and iterate!

2. Work with the DAO to Grow Together
The DAO is here to support you. There are many resources available:

A mentorship session with the CWG, Attending CWG Office Hours (Mondays at 16:00 UTC), going on Jup & Juice, consulting other workgroups, or actively engaging with the community for feedback.

3. Request a Grant
Once you feel that you are ready to scale things up, apply for a grant here: Jupiter DAO Grants | Superteam Earn

If there is interest you will hear back within ~7 days. If accepted, you should keep track of your progress for the retrospective.

Proposal Guidelines

These questions appear in some form when you go to apply on the superteam site.

Feel free to start considering them now as you begin your work and use the DAO resources to help scale up.

Short introduction of your idea. Provide a few sentences that capture exactly what you are wanting to do.

What does your grant aim to achieve in the DAO, and how does it intend to scale over time once it reaches the WG stage?

Explain the people involved & their roles. Additionally comment on their prior interactions with the Jupiter community.

In particular, discuss what you are currently working on in the Jupiverse.

By which metrics, if any would you consider the grant successfully completed?

How much are you requesting? How will these funds help you scale up what you’ve been working on and the Jupiverse? There is no minimum amount to ask for in regards to a grant, but there is a maximum of $10k.

Also describe the timeline over which this will take place.

Note: More resources will be posted here as they become available to help provide inspiration for ideas or how to connect with current groups.


Thanks for this comprehensive and straight forward guide on how to apply for a grant and work towards trial WG etc.This will help create an organised approach instead of the random presentation of proposals in the DAO without a clear procedure. One can easily sign post anyone to this for clarity around the process. Good luck to all applying for grants.


Such a robust and healthy process! The cream of the crop will rise to the top. Good luck space cats!


datsa nice’a process :pinched_fingers:

Reminder to applicants:
Crypto is global. Your costs - especially your own comp - need to be justified on that scale. Sometimes this is easy (e.g. US market rate because work requires US-based biz dev & your personal network is what makes you a good fit), sometimes it will be tough to argue. Challenge yourself to make a strong argument, because if you can’t, you’re probably not that guy.


Jm guys,

This is great tbh…the layout of how transparent any participant should be, based Ngl,

I’ve got a question tho, just one person from the team answers the question laid down here? That is the person from the team who drops the proposal on the platform?


Fantastic such a good proposal standard.
My question is will the Grants Portal or the team allow iterative updates or revisions after the initial submission of the proposal?


Hey @Slorg ! If I’ve applied already, should I re-apply? I didn’t realize you guys were going to change up the grant process. I love Sol Incinerator btw! Here’s my previous proposal: DumpFunXYZ~The 1st Ever Onchain Toilet!


Good luck and can’t wait for the proposals of our future WorkGroups!

The process explanation is straightforward and easy to understand, love it!



Appreciate how concise this is too @Slorg

Grants procedures can be convoluted as heck but this is totally manageable

Will encourage more people to apply for sure (and they should if any of y’all are on the fence about it!)


Good question. I’d say re-apply just to keep things streamlined for the CWG but let’s hear from them themselves.


respectfully disagree

the grants program (as I understand it) is supposed to unearth DAO members who would be a good fit for later WGs

no need to self-assess too much at this stage

just make a promise and try to keep it


As someone that reviews grants almost daily for Uplink, some advice that might be helpful. Keep your message succinct, do not try to create a novel to prove the value. If there is a real gap that you feel you can fill, you shouldn’t need more than 2-3 paragraphs to explain that point.

Niche down, all of the big problems have essentially already been tackled or have someone trying to tackle them as we speak. Making your scope to general or broad is a recipe to be overlooked. Find a narrow avenue to add value, master that and then can expand as you gain confidence in the niche problem you are solving.

Doing > planning to do: Nothing will make you learn how to adapt to the situation faster than attempting to do things rather than trying to plan for something you haven’t done yet. Iterate.

Add quantitative metrics you expect to achieve in respect to your timeline, doesn’t need to be perfect, but specifying expectations, helps the reader get a better grasp on what your proposal looks like.

Leverage the community for feedback. No one wants JUP to succeed more than the power users in discord, solicit some honest feedback from them, this is imperative in the iteration process.


Mostly like this 2 key components from the application:

I as well find the idea great to initially post the grant idea on jupresearch and there are many of us that are active in here and give good, some times critical but overall a constructive feedback. :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

On another hand since i am a more visual person (only my perspective), it would be beneficial to maybe have a template file for this proposal including all those items. :thinking:


Thank you, I am a nurse not a computer nerd so this will be a big challenge for myself. Most of the replies I have received are about dumping my coins which I bought from the beginning of Jupiter.
I missed the launch due to end of COVID now paying my negligence. Thanks for your help!!!


Yup, this should be the standard. This should be what the potential teams doing because when they do this, it’s easy to understand what their goal is.


@Slorg whilst I agree with the process, it’s quite strenuous for a small grant like @rb87 and myself.

For eg. we are consulting the community now, but to have to hop on a jup n juice episode for $2000 grant seems like a lot of effort for such a small grant for example.

Could we perhaps lighten the process for small grants?

(Ps. Not to say I won’t hop on jup n juice. As I will be soon)


Being on Jup & Juice is actually the only fun part … of everything :sweat_smile:

Those guys, and this is not even about the micro grants it is about the Launchpad for projects, gave more platform, attention, promotion, engagement and constructive feedback to the teams guests than anyone from the team.

J&J :love_letter:

Let’s hope Jupiter can adapt and actually further progression about sperging reactions on mainchannel.


Can’t wait to see what great products will come out of these grants. LFG !


diff ways to be part of this Jupiverse. Excellent project!
i read this today (Feb25)

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