Jupiter Community Tag FAQ

Important Notes:

  1. Being on the community list is not an endorsement of a token, it only attests to the accuracy of the mint address (“If someone is trying to trade JUP, is this the right mint address?”). Any token listed is not an explicit statement made about the quality or long-term prospects of a token

  2. 2 approvals are needed from catdets for your token to be verified. We ask for some metrics to prevent spam and provide additional color to the reviewing catdets, but they are not hard requirements. It is more important that your project has a meaningful and credible presence in the community.

  3. The process is not necessarily first-in first-out. If your token is not approved and it falls off the list, you may reapply later if there is meaningful progress.


Q: How do I get the community tag?

A: Submit on catdetlist.jup.ag! We request for some market metrics to prevent spam but they are not hard requirements. It is more important for your project to have a meaningful and credible presence. The current metrics requested are: 500+ holders, >100k mcap, >10k 24 hour volume, > 3 weeks old*

*You will still be able to submit on the site regardless of age, and catdets may get you on earlier if you are a project well-known by the community. If you have a notable pre-launch token, ping us in the ‘token-list-unmonitored’ channel of discord with your mint address or hit the team up on telegram (benliew, soju, yy, slorg, mei)

Q: I submitted. How long until I get the tag?

A: Time to review a token depends on multiple factors. Not every submitted token will be approved – in a space with >10k new tokens a day, we approve only tokens with strong signals. For quality control purposes, you might remain on the pending list until there is sufficient confidence that your token will be around.

Q: X token applied after me but was approved first. Why was this?

A: The community tag list is not first come first serve, similar to how the strictlist was.

Q: I met the metrics when I applied, but now that I’m on pending they don’t. What will happen to my token?

A: It is at the discretion of the reviewing cadets to decide if your token no longer qualifies.

Q: My token doesn’t meet the metrics at this time. Can I get on later

A: Yes, you can reapply at a later date.

Q: I have further questions. Who can I reach out to?

A: You can ask away in the token_list chat in our dsicord

Q: My token is not eligible for the community tag, but I feel it is crucial for my token to be verified in some way on jup.ag. What can i do?

A: Over time we will add more tags to the system to cover more cases.

However, if you are a notable ecosystem token, an LFG affiliate, or a Jupiter partner launch — please DM Slorg in the token list channel in Discord. We will accommodate exceptions on a case-by-case basis until the tag system becomes more robust.

Q: How do I actually apply, where is the old PR system?

A: The old system is retired in favor of this new system, where all you have to do is post the attestation tweet and your token’s mint address. The rest is automatic.

Q: If I meet all the metrics, is it still possible to get denied?

A: Yes, it is up to the discretion of the reviewing catdets. There are instances where there might be concerns about ‘imposter’ names, names that are too close to existing tickers(ie Solana), or other situations that justify disallowing a token from getting the community tag.

Q: Is this process fair?

A: The token list has always been managed free of charge. Catdets have zero vested interests in their decisions, other than creating a good verified list for the ecosystem. If anyone from the team or catdets claim they can get your token validated for a fee, they are likely an imposter trying to scam you. Please let us know and we will investigate.

Q: My token was bridged through Wormhole. It meets the metrics on X chain, but it’s not letting me. How can I submit?

A: When you bridge a token through Wormhole, it creates a contract for your token on the Solana side of the bridge. The submission page will only account for metrics on the Solana contract, and will not consider volume, market cap or holders existing on other blockchains.

Q: What other tags are potentially available?

A: We are starting out with tags for LSTs, clone protocol tokens, and tokens launched from pump.fun. Over time we will be soliciting tags from other sources as well.