Jupiter airdrop round 2 inspired from (jupwhale)

Jupiter airdrop round 2

Incentivizing staking is crucial for fostering a healthy ecosystem within our community. By rewarding users who stake their tokens, we encourage long-term commitment and stability in the network, which ultimately contributes to the overall growth and value of the project. Additionally, introducing volume-based tiers ensures that active traders are recognized and rewarded for their contributions to liquidity and market activity. This dual approach not only enhances user engagement but also makes the airdrop amounts significant for all users, creating a win-win scenario that strengthens our community and ecosystem as a whole.

here is my revised plan to allocate jup to stakers

FOR volume based filtering we can apply something like this


The strategic allocation of 300 million JUP to stakers and 700 million JUP to volume-based traders is designed to create a balanced and thriving cryptocurrency ecosystem. By rewarding both long-term holders and active traders, we not only promote user engagement but also ensure market liquidity and stability. This dual approach is essential for fostering a sustainable community that can adapt and grow within the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape.


Total allocation is 700m so amend 1B

70% allocation towards swap is still not a good idea, easily gamable & further concentrate supply instead of rewarding new users exploring the ecosystem for the first time

Need allocation for community, discord/twitter/forums/educators

Need allocation for users using new services such as limits/dca/VA. Especially perps, as this is a new revenue generator for the ecosystem through JLP that’s been up only ever since its launch.


No way I will ever support volume base on swap because the best trading products in solana is Jupiter. You can’t do without jup.ag in solana Eco, let majority of the incentive goes to new Jupiter products for exposure. The next jupnuary should go too jupiverse loyalist thought zero expectations.
Rewarding base on swap volume will always encouraging farming system.
Lower your expectations!


It has been communicated early on that splitting your staked JUP in to multiple wallets won’t bring any extra benefit. In this example holder of 1M JUP could split into 100 wallets to get 600k JUP as reward. I also agree with previous comments.

Thanks for your effort though. I encourage to have a look at some existing threads regarding jupuary if you haven’t yet.

EDIT. and that would be a dumb whale because he could also split that into 100k wallets and get 40M JUP :sweat_smile:


This makes little sense, you’re giving 4,422 users the almost twice the allocation of 1.4m users?
You need to amend the chat gpt inputs - this is not fair


Wow I think you’re the first person to break down the numbers. That’s pretty dope of you. Seems fairly reasonable however I’d increased T 1


What is the reason you called this ‘‘balanced final’’? What is final is not decided by a single community member but by the team and the community as a whole.

It appears that our other community-refined proposal is much more balanced, inclusive and comprehensive. It also provides a greater level of distribution and decentralisation.

Our proposal includes DAO / JUP Stakers, Community contributors, New Feature Users, Perpetual Traders, JLP holders, $10M+ tier, $1M - $10M tier, $100K - $1M tier, $10K - $100K tier, $1K - $10K tier and $100+ users.

This ‘balanced final’ proposal doesn’t include the following users and stakeholders:

  • Community contributors (eg. Discord, Workgroups, Forums, Promotors etc.)
  • New Feature Users (Any user who traded JUP, JLP, JupSOL and/or who used new Jupiter features like DCA, DVA, Ape, Perps)
  • Perpetual Traders
  • JLP holders
  • 3,885,443 users with $100+ volume

Also, you are 300 Million over budget for round 2, unless we use 1.05B for round 2 and 1.05B for round 3 and we skip round 4. This I would also support - but then I would also add another 350 Million JUP to our allocation proposal :slight_smile:

In my opinion it doesn’t make sense why tier 5 would get only 45M JUP while tier 3 and tier 2 would get 275M JUP and 200M JUP respectively. That’s out of balance all together.

The tiers we suggested are much more in balance where the tiers you’re suggesting here are heavily biased towards the higher volume tiers.

Our tiers provide an more equal 100M JUP for the $1K - $10K tier, 100M JUP for the $10K - $100K tier, and a combined 110M JUP for the $100K - $1M tier & $10M+ tier, with an additional 40M JUP covering every user in every tier with a $100+ minimum.

Our proposal as referred to:


I hope you mean increase tier 5? (: See my reply above for more commentary.

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numbers are a bit rigged since… we have only 700 million not 1b. forgot to mention supply burn

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but their numbers are in millions… they deserve to get that huge amount. if you calculate the avg fee spent. according to volume it’s nothing comparing to different tiers

so how would you reward small stakers… just less than 200k users with 10 jup staked… it’s the best way to reward small stakers. incentivizing staking

but wouldn’t all major revenue comes from swap? we need to incentivize the users someway… majority of the people just perform market swaps. so it should cover a huge portion… somewhat like 30-40%

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Lol :joy:

I’ve provided some more insight in my reply above.

So you want to reward small stakers but big trading volumes? If stakers are rewarded, it has to be linear to prevent anyone from gaming the system. I don’t really have anything to add to JUPWhales answer.


70% allocation towards swap is actually needed and also acceptable. But it needs to be much more properly distributed than in this proposal.

It appears that our community-refined proposal is much more balanced, inclusive and comprehensive. It also provides a greater level of distribution and decentralisation.

Trading volume and user count / onboarding is and will always be the most important metric for any cryptocurrency exchange; centralised or decentralised.

Most trading happens on the swap function and through API’s. Proper volume tiers help identify which users are more valuable and contribute more to the trading volume. It would be irrational to remove an adjusted volume-based allocation all together.

Our latest proposal entails:

  • 35% (250M) to New Jupiter Features & Community Allocations 250M JUP
  • 65% (450M) to Adjusted Volume-Based allocations 450M JUP (with deduplication)

Adjusted Volume-Based allocations represent the largest group of 3,885,443 Jupiter users with $100+ volume who contribute a combined ~ $333 Billion USD trading volume.

That’s not really the case with the following in place:

$100 minimum volume requirement used to reduce the general user base from ~ 15.25 Million wallets to ~ 3.9 Million users. This effectively weeds out around ~ 11.36 Million low quality spam users / bots and airdrop farmers. No allocation for wallets with < $100 volume. Further deduplication may also need to be performed.‘’

The below proposal for Adjusted Volume-Based allocations 450M JUP with deduplication, there will not be a further concentration of supply.

It also helps in rewarding 3,885,443 new $100+ volume users exploring the ecosystem for the first time.

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Don’t forget Swap is Jups main Product. I disagree with easily gameable. In some instances or protocols it may be, For example the last Jupuary there was a Person who created a string of wallets netting him over $1,000,000. For what I have seen though JUP does an amazing job at Deduplication and Bottling and gaming the system.

The problem I have with your reply is your saying "reward new users exploring the ecosystem for the first time… How much do you think should be “rewarded” to a New user exploring JUP for the First time? I mean last year was a Bit Ridiculous I mean honestly should we be throwing $200 to a new user just to try JUP? We know you have had close to 5 years to explore and hear the great benefits of the JUPITER system so to me your approach here is the easily gameable one and clearly shows signs of breaking down when it comes to Facts.
In either case, Hope to see you stick around and wish you the best.

Until the JUP PERPS came around yes Swap is the main motivator here.

To be fair someone swapping less than $30 - $50 a Year when receiving over $400 in airdrops through JUP is not a “Jup User” in any book.

I think using volumes to reward users is no more of a thing :thinking:
Just my opinion, though the team knows best.

You might like to know what are most important to Decentralized and Centralized exchanges, I don’t want to burst your bubble though Volume is the most important metric to judge user growth use and revenue.

In the case you feel otherwise be sure to vote the way you feel. I hope you stick around and help us grow the Pie.
Best wishes


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