Jupiter Airdrop Round 2 (2025): Analysis, Discussion & Proposal for Distribution

Excluding 13,197,757 out of 15.5 Million wallets would qualify to what Meow says: ‘‘most wallets will not get an airdrop’’.

  • 13M out of 15.5M would qualify as ‘‘most wallets’’.
  • $1,000+ limit instead of $0,01+ lower limit would qualify as ‘‘higher criteria’’

I also transcribed part of Meow’s statements from the Townhall meeting here:


Just want to say that it took me a LONG time to go through this whole forum thread haha.

What a great post @JUPWhale , clearly you’ve been been working diligently in presenting your pov and your thoughts on the Jupuary event. Really appreciate that and I am quite certain that not only the CWG but the jupiter team have seen this and using this as a relevant point of feedback for what they choose the Jupuary event to be like.

Really appreciate you, OP, thanks for a stimulating conversation


Thank you very much :blush:

Yes the ‘‘read time’’ reached over 2 hours :joy:

That’s without considering the second part of the post…


Meow will release the Jupuary vote proposal on Monday, followed by a J.U.P. Really.

Let’s see which community suggestions and feedback have all been implemented.


I can see that Jupiter become a harbour for Stakers.!It’s shifts the focus from Traders which uses the Jupiter Platform ,generating income for Jupiter.The traders are millions the stakers thousands…In one sunny day all this ASR and Jupiary will end .And the STAKERS WILL LEAVE THE HARBOUR FOREVER.The only one one will stay is the TRADERS!!!they are the true comunity ,the pillars of Jupiter.Jupiter Team disrespects the Traders taking from them and giving to stalkers which temporary exploit the rosourses of Jupiter community…Stakers are here for a while…Traders are here Forever

I think Perps and Swaps,DCA,Limit and Ape.pro should be considered. Maybe Poaps + community members.

→ 5 JUP per Poap collected.
→ 10M to JUP contributors/community/influencers whatever mods etc.
→ 200M to swaps. (OVER 1k volume, over 10txns, over 3 months txns)
→ 50M to DCA ( over 500$ volume, over 5 txns, two seperate months of usage)
→ 50M to Limit Order ( over 500$ volume, over 5 txns, two seperate months of usage)
→ 300M Jup Perp traders per 10$ fee, 1 JUP, (over 10,000$ volume, over 5 orders, two seperate months)
→ 20M to ape.pro ( over 100$ volume, >3 txns limit)
→ everything should be tiered.
→ extra something JUP is as a bonus for stakers that have the most relative weight ( Votes x JupStakedvalue x months )/ (totalweight) = stakers get weighted awards out of these 60-70M left JUP. JUP stacked value should be capped at 100.000$ and minimum 6 months, minimum 6 votes should be considered. Very active voters, with a good chunk of JUP stacked will eat super well.

Thugs is the reality,and the stalkers will get 210 million allocation for doing nothing…a lot from the farmers and traders…!I have a pity for this farmers and traders

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For doing nothing? They believed JUP.

if you are really that mad about stakers get their cut, what do you plan to do with your $JUP tokens? Insta sell it? Now tell me why this gift, which main purpose is to make you become part of DAO, should be send just to you?

Stalkers are couple of hundred thousands,farmers and stalkers 10 millions.The Lionshare of allocation goes to stakers.Farmers is getting peanats.I really feel sorry for them!!

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I love the analysis. Very well thought-through retrospective-based approach to determine the new allocation. What is missing is a Segway how to keep the stakers or attract stakers to keep the tokens locked up through out the bear market. 70% o stakers will want to sell and get out off locks during the bull market.

You want to build off of this analysis and implement distribution policies proposal that allows to keep and attract the stakers stay on

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There will be nothing to trade if stalkers leave. You stop trading if you see a bear trend in asset pricing, unless you are short-seller. So, be nice and grateful to staker community. Otherwise, no solid argument, but blah, blah

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I think one should just analyse the entire usage and give an airdrop based on that. Not everyone did three transactions on ape for instance but tried it out. I stopped using it the second I realised it was mostly pump fun tokens. Surest way to loose all your money. I don’t like it but like other tools much better. A genuine user is someone who is legit trying out things and sticking with some of the dex constantly. This should be easy to see. Also I think it should not be tiered but have a minimum usage to get an equal airdrop.

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In my opinion this airdrop should not be based on volume , volume doesn’t mean you are a real user , and farmers today use advanced techniques

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i agree. Highest sybil will be from volume imo


maybe u need to be more active on blockchain to say this, your transfers do speak.


This has become an absolutely remarkable plan/idea. I really hope the team pays attention to this and includes or just makes this the plan to vote on. Allocations would be greatly distributed to those who REALLY care about JUP.

Great work.



You didn’t see but there were a lot of people
For instance the OG solana sensei didn’t claim his Mockjup and actually voiced out this same complaint