I’ve not been in contact with the team, but I would love to assist them with it!
I’m also remain open to further adjust my Jupuary #2 proposal based on valid arguments. It would also depend a lot on the preferences of the team.
DAO / JUP Stakers
For example it would be an option to increase the 70,000,000 allocation to the DAO / JUP Stakers with 40,000,000 JUP to a total of 110,000,000 JUP.
That would make it 70M + 40M = 110 Million JUP in my proposal going to JUP Stakers. This would instead of the previous 15,9% bonus or 159 JUP per 1000 JUP staked, become 25% bonus for JUP stakers or 250 JUP per 1000 JUP staked. It could be based on the snapshot date or an average of several snapshots over the last 12 months.
$100+ tier
You could also get the 40M from 4 other tiers at 10M less each, totalling 40M.
You could for example also remove the 40M JUP allocation to all 3,885,443 users with $100+ volume and stick only with the 2,302,243 users in the 5 tiers (starting at $1K - $10K and ending at $10 Million+). A decent amount of people might be in support of that, from what I’ve seen in the comments and other proposals.
That would exclude 1,583,200 users with $100 - $999,99 in trading volume, which might have a lot of legitimate users who are just starting out, who are less active or who live in less wealthy countries.
I do think it would be fair to allocate just 10 JUP each to the 1,583,200 users with $100 - $1000 volume, but it’s up for debate. There are a lot of options and I’m not claiming my proposal is perfect.
Jupiter Perpetuals
Maybe it’s a good idea to allocate a bit more than 20M JUP to the 233,803 Jupiter perps traders. They pay the highest fees of any of the Jupiter features, and it represents a significant revenue source for Jupiter which we might want to encourage. The perps volume with leverage is $129,447,941,023 (129B). That’s 38% of the total $340,748,185,159 (340B) in volume.
Some details may depend on the team as they have the most authority, experience and insight into the specifics in my opinion. I do think something close to this proposal would be ideal, but I also challenge anyone to argue that.