Jupiter Academy Work Group (JAWG)

:rocket: Jupiter Academy - Work Group Proposal :rocket:

Jupiter moves fast—sometimes too fast for the community to keep up. With new product releases happening almost weekly, there’s a gap in clear, accessible guides for both existing and new Jupiter tools.

:pushpin: The Problem
Jupiter’s dev team is focused on building, but communication of updates and tutorials often takes a backseat. They dont have the time or resources to breakdown every new update to the bone, more often then not, its not even tweeted by jupiters main twitter account!

• Features like limit orders on perps remain unknown to many, hence many people stay clear of them due to lack of education.

• The $JUP buyback wallet was only shared on a personal account, with no centralized announcement. This may have been an informal way of announcing a significant event.

:pushpin: The Solution: Jupiter Academy

A dedicated work group focused on educating the community through step-by-step tutorials on all Jupiter products—both current and future.

This lightens the load on the team, letting them focus on innovation, while we ensure users can actually understand and use these tools effectively.

The goals is for brand new products, updates or changes to be explained by us to keep the community educated!

:pushpin: How It Works

:white_check_mark: Comprehensive How-To Guides → Hosted on Jup.com & shared via Twitter, Discord & YouTube

:white_check_mark: Video Tutorials & Infographics → Easy-to-follow, “Crypto for Dummies” style

:white_check_mark: Live Support → Answering community questions, helping mods & directing users

:white_check_mark: Community-Driven Education → Raising awareness about underutilized tools like VA, DCA, Perps, and Trenches

:pushpin: Trial Period & Funding

:clock3: 8 week trial

:moneybag: Budget: $10K USDC

$135 for Canva & design tools

Socials & community-building events - such a live AMA and gatherings

:pushpin: Why This Matters

Right now, only a small % of fees come from tools like VA, DCA, and other Jupiter products—we believe this is because many users simply don’t understand them.

More fees = Bigger revenue

Bigger revenue = more 50% $JUP buy back - holders win. The team also wins.

:rocket: A more educated community = stronger Jupiter ecosystem = higher protocol usage & adoption.

:pushpin: Key Milestones

:spiral_calendar: First 3 months: Cover every Jupiter product:

• Staking + Voting

Jupiter Ultra & Perps


Jupiter Trenches

How slippage works

Crypto safety & avoiding honeypots

Much, much more.

:pushpin: Scaling Over Time

Once all existing products are covered, we’ll ensure all new products come with a detailed guide upon launch. The idea is for this is to be sent to jupiters main twitter account to be posted as it goes live.

With Jupiter’s rapid pace of innovation, this work group is essential for onboarding new users & ensuring full product adoption.

:pushpin: Key Performance Indicators

We will measure the success of this work group through:

:bar_chart: Engagement Metrics → Twitter impressions, YouTube tutorial views

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Daily Fee Impact → Encouraging more users to actively engage with Jupiter tools

:hammer_and_wrench: User Confidence → Making Jupiter the most user-friendly DeFi platform on Solana

:pushpin: Meet the Team


Jupiter Research Contributor

Cat of Culture

Admin for Jupiter Research Blog

Shiva aka @ Klbkch

• Former Lead Admin & Comms Director @ Parrot

• Biweekly community events & content creator

• Wrote in-depth DeFi articles & tutorials

Original post: Jupiter Product Academy - Work group Idea - #48 by lochie2001

Thanks for adding the image bro! And also uploading this


Looking good bro​:fire::fire::fire: fresh​:smiling_face_with_sunglasses:


any news around the trainings i wanted to read, i’m interesting …i wanted to learn how to use some tools and platforms . Thanks for this initiative …i wanted to be part of this. Regards

1 Like

very interested … will think about this. Voting YES