Instant unstake JUP tokens

For several days I have been thinking about unstake time. 30d isn`t that long, but sometimes it can be too long. Would be fantastic if stakers have possibility to unstake their tokens instantly. Another functionality could be extend unstake time, which would result in a slower decreasing voting power.


I could see someone wanting to unstake their JUP instantly. I think if the option is available it should be taxed in some way or you give up rewards that are being pooled or something. They put a 30 day period on it for a reason, perhaps to prevent dumping out of panic & fear. Not sure why, but there must be a reason why.


I think 30 days unstake period is fine. The issue is not being able to unstake a specific amount of tokens at one time.

I don’t want to unstake the entire amount at a time.


With instant withdrawal, you would have constant influx of value from people constantly dumping when there is a little price movement, or when people feel they need the value allocated elsewhere.
Never stake coins you aren’t willing to wait and potentially lose value on. 30 days does seem a bit long, but I prefer this to an instantaneous release.


Our engineering team is currently working on implementing partial-unstake.

Instant unstake with a penalty is being talked about as well. but not decided yet


If the penalty could be dynamic similar to the way dynamic fees work on Meteora, then I would be for this. If the price of JUP were to experience a rapid drop, the unstake penalty would dynamically increase to discourage withdrawals. Otherwise, if the penalty is too low, the paper hands will unstake and dump it, accelerating the drop in price.


Can there be multiple unstaking processes at the time? E.g. I’ve started unstaking X tokens, then staked Y tokens. Can I unstake Y tokens, without cancelling the process for X tokens? Current frontend wouldn’t allow this.


You’re right. I didn’t take into account that this option could be used for price manipulation or an immediate dump. However, if a balance could be found between incentives and penalties, it could be quite interesting utility.


Instant unstake with 10% penalty would be great! Burn the tax or Put into LFG rewards Pool+DAO 50/50.


I’m think can make it flexible with rules. If need instan need pay . How much pay = how instan need to unstake. :grin:


I’m not opposed to a instant unstake option. With a fee around 5-10% that benefits the community. I think that is reasonable.


the unstaking part it so bad it dilutes you out of the system, #STAY JUP


A bigger tax on this would be reasonable.


I agree, it would be great to have to option to unstake a proportion of any staked tokens and the adaptability to extend the staking time would be a great addition.


I agree with 30 days of unstake, I feel comfortable, but there must be a device so that we can define the % amount of JUPs to be left from stake in 30 days.


5% should be enough for a fine in my opinion


The better option would be at 15days making that available to withdrawl and as for the other half tax it 10% place it into the asr pool. Leaving the other 50%ish in the cooldown / voting power stake


I was wondering about this… can you vote during the unstaking period?


If a user opted to unstake, you chose to leave the DAO so the rewards stop accruing. so the voting rights also should stop.
OTOH, if you redelegate your stake to another validator, you have chosen to remain in the DAO so voting rights remain open even in the period of redelegation (if any)


The problem with instant unstake is someone could vote then unstake then send to a different wallet then vote again in the same proposal and repeat.

So maybe have it be locked until the end of a proposal if a vote is placed. And once the proposal is over they can unstake.

Another option is that each JUP token is accounted for and can only be used as one vote. For example, someone votes for A then unstakes, then sells to someone else for who votes for B, the vote for A will be switched to a B. If this was implemented, there wouldn’t be a real need for staking at all, instead just use your JUP to vote when proposals are active.

ASR needs to be considered when implementing instant unstake. Someone could just buy and vote with JUP at the last minute of a proposal and sell immediately after. Should they still be rewarded the same as someone who indefinitely holds and votes like the current system? I think so, because either way they would have to buy and vote which increases participation and demand.