Grant Proposal: DAO Participation In Jupiter Ecosystem Development


The Jupiter Ecosystem is constantly evolving and progressing, with Jupiter being the base for a wide variety of products all using Jupiter at their core to provide new experiences for users. We believe that the DAO is the best resource for all of these ideas, both in development and in the experience of the users.

This proposal aims to get the DAO more involved with the iteration and bug testing phases of products built by DAO members that utilise Jupiter at their core, to allow the DAO to better shape the future of products in the ecosystem. This will be done through multiple live sessions with the community to trial, test and iterate our upcoming copy trading product release using Jupiter.

DAO Goals:

This grant will allow us to target three of the C.A.R.E goals of the DAO. We aim to provide education through product sessions running through how we built the platform, the positives and hardships of developing products using Jupiter and get the DAO involved hands-on in some of the more intricate testing phases of new products. We hope this kind of active participation through visibly seeing the DAO’s views shape future systems will help to boost engagement from the developer community inside the DAO which given the opportunities in web3 we believe a lot will be excited to get into this end of it. We also hope this helps to build a community that wants to build on Jupiter, creating a thriving ecosystem of developers in the DAO all helping each other test and innovate.

We have been working on gamified trading on Jupiter for nearly 2 years, and have been in development of copy trading for about 4-5 months, with the goal to have the product out before the grant process reaches the decision stage ready to go.

Who is involved?

Mic - Co-founder of Monkey Dex since November 2022, Catdet & active JUP DAO community member since November 2023.

Morpheus (Anestis) - Co-founder of Monkey Dex, extensive fullstack experience in crypto and building multichain applications ranging through social, NFTs & DeFi. 8 years of software and design(UI/UX flows) experience, working and streamlining solutions for several international companies.

Apa (Erik) - Co-Founder of Monkey Dex. A seasoned fullstack Engineer focusing on backend development.

All team members have been actively working on and building on top of Jupiter since November 2022, with focus on gamifying trading experiences through Jupiter & easing multichain interactions providing bridging through 8 chains to Solana & working on a BTC → Solana bridge too.

Success Measurements?

The metrics of success for this grant come in two forms:

  1. The successful running of events & engagement from the community of them. Collecting feedback from the DAO through these events on how they want to shape the future of the product, and successfully creating iterations based on this feedback to a standard at which the DAO is happy.

  2. We would also see the grant as a success if the community also becomes more active in talking about development on Jupiter, start creating ideas and working together to see what is possible.


We are hoping to continue engaging with the community for at least a couple months given the time it takes for development iterations, so we are requesting $7800. This would allow full time focus on engaging and iterating with the DAO throughout this period of time.

We expect the public sessions to last around 8 weeks, with the first iteration based on feedback taking anywhere between 2-3 months. Funding aside we will continue until the iteration is complete to a satisfactory standard by the DAO. We are requesting the standard grant payout upon completion.

Is There Room To Scale Up?

We have written a full wg proposal detailing scaling plans, through providing opportunities for developers to show off their skills in Hackathons and have the opportunity to also build alongside the DAO. We believe that encouraging people to work with the DAO community and providing opportunities for people to work in the Jupiter ecosystem full time provides us with the best opportunity for Jupiter to thrive outside of


I think this is a great idea to get more involvement from the developer side of the JUP community. Engaging the DAO in testing and iterating products will definitely help foster collaboration and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Excited to see how this shapes future developments!


Excellent proposal!
Your clear objectives and well-thought-out methodology are impressive. However, could you elaborate on the potential challenges or risks you anticipate during implementation? Additionally, how will you measure the proposal’s impact and ensure it aligns with the broader goals of the jupiverse ecosystem?


Thank you for your kind words Liam!


The potential challenges mostly stem from just the unpredictability of development time. We aim for the process to last a couple months, however if the feedback we are getting is significant and people are well engaged then the workload on the development side to keep up may take longer.

In terms of how it aligns with the Jupiter’s Ecosystem, the aim of for the DAO to become active participants in physically building the Jupiverse, shaping it to fit the DAO’s wants out of Jupiter based products. This will in time, from the extended wg proposal, lead to a wide ecosystem of applications that are all connected through the DAO. The aim is for everything you would need in web3, to use Jupiter at its core in some way.


I really appreciate what you’re aiming to achieve here. However, I was wondering if there are existing functions within the Jupiter team designed for this purpose, or if they’ve already commissioned other stakeholders in the ecosystem to handle tasks such as ‘iterations and bug testing of Jupiter products.’ If so, is there a way for this brilliant idea to be integrated or aligned with the efforts of the Jupiter team to help reduce costs, particularly if similar tasks are currently being outsourced?


The idea of the wg proposal that this grant is the first step of, is that these aren’t Jupiter products, they are Jupiter based products. Jupiter has open API’s for all their services for developers to utilise to create new and exciting technologies that at their base run through Jupiters platform. This wont involve any of the development team from Jupiter, this is purely encouraging members of the DAO who have experience in development and or want to start in development to come forwards and work together to create an ecosystem of products built on Jupiter.

This grant is the first example of this we are bringing forwards, with the copy trading system built by the team involved with the grant, that utilises Jupiters swap systems in order to function. Focus on creating new ways to use the Jupiter ecosystem outside of

If we are successful in reaching that stage, we would be more than happy to help run sessions for Jupiters own products if they are wanting that, however as you mention they have their own development team so I am uncertain as to wether that kind of resource would be wanted by them.


Thanks for your response and clarifying this. I think you have a good proposal with potential of impacting the Jup based ecosystem positively especially with the brilliant idea of using the DAO platform.


Awesome, best of luck :crossed_fingers:.


I truly like the idea behind this proposal, and it definitely has my support. I think it’s a great initiative to involve the DAO in product testing and development. However, these are some of the points I would like to see clarified:

This makes it sound like you’re referring to Jupiter’s own products. If you’re actually referring to other projects using Jupiter as a base but aren’t affiliated with Jupiter itself, it would be helpful to clarify this distinction. This will prevent confusion about which products you’re referring to.

Where do you plan to host these live sessions—Discord, Twitter, or somewhere else?

Additionally, while live sessions are great for engagement, it would be useful to offer alternatives for those who may not be able to attend live. Text or video-based options (such as tutorials, recorded walkthroughs, or fun product/coding videos) could help cultivate a wider audience, allowing more participants to provide feedback.

Just to clarify—does this mean the $7,800 will be full payment for the team’s work?

Additionally, do you need any software, hardware, or other tools to help create this (e.g., microphones, software subscriptions, etc.)? It would be helpful to account for these in the proposal to show you have the resources needed to carry this out.

It would also be beneficial to specify the timeline more clearly. How long would these funds guarantee the operation of the project?*And most importantly, when will the payment distribution occur? Grants typically distribute funds after the completion of certain milestones, so it would be useful to outline this process. Being specific here can add transparency to the proposal and set clear expectations for all parties involved.


Hey Liam, thank you so much for the feedback!

100% agreed, I am rewriting this section currently and it will be updated shortly to reflect this. The scope of this grant, and the scope of the proposed further plans all involve products made by community members, not the Jupiter team. They are just products that utilise Jupiter and generate revenue for Jupiter through their usage.

We are looking to host more interactive style events through discord, allowing for everyone to speak freely and ensure all their opinions are heard. I’ve also spoken with Irish a few times now about having a J&J session beforehand to show everyone the basics ready for the more interactive sessions.

This will also allow is to give a bit of depth into the background of how we got into building on Jupiter with the upsides it’s brought and the struggles we’ve faced throughout. The aim is to try and motivate others in the community to give it a try themselves, encouraging development that is specifically boosting the Jupiter ecosystem.

This leads into your point about video based options as if we can run this alongside J&J we will have recorded copies to share too, if we end up running these sessions as spaces ourselves they will be recorded also. I’m going to start brainstorming on how to run an effective text based option inside the DAO tonight and will get back to you on that one shortly.

Yes, this will be at the end of the process just to cover cost of living.

In terms of software we are set already, we’ve been working on this for many months already so are all set to go. Hardware, the only thing required is a microphone for myself so that my audio quality is better. May adjust this slightly to match just that as a single purchase pre-completion funding.

We expect the public sessions to last around 8 weeks, with the first iteration based on feedback taking anywhere between 2-3 months. Funding aside we will continue until the iteration is complete to a satisfactory standard by the DAO :heart:

We will be following the standard procedure of the grant payment upon completion. Completion will be determined for us by the successful release of our first iteration based on DAO feedback, with a detailed report from myself about the feedback gathered and how we implemented it. Would be great to hop on J&J or a spaces afterwards to discuss the details too.


Decent idea and doesn’t cost the DAO much money to experiment.

  • Do you have a method to counter sandwich attacks on copy traders?
  • Would suggest factoring in costs for an auditor (cost = low 5-digits)

Thanks! The long term idea is to just try and encourage developers who are members of JUP DAO to start building and collaborating together!

Any measures that are allowed by Jupiter to counter sandwiches will be utilised. You will be able to deposit usdc and you will have to fund the account with Solana for tx fees throughout your usage too. We will keep an eye during the testing on just how much the fees end up being and for any sandwich opportunities and try to adjust our strategy and priority fee pricing to try and account for this.

I will have to reach out to the CWG about this as this is something we are happy to do, however cost basis and reasoning may take it out of the scope of the current grant system. Will get back to you on this as may require a second grant submission after this. But would be happy to do so.


Got a quick response to the second part, no this would not fall within the scope of the current grant system :heart:


Love your work @mic.sol

You’re a smart guy, I’d support this


Thank you so much for the kind words Lochie!


Proposal has now been updated to match the current feedback from Liam :slight_smile:


Updated version looking good! Thank you for addressing all the points I brought up :green_heart:

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Maybe I read it and misunderstood you doing so, but if not; could you expand on how you are hitting 3 of the 4 aspects of C.A.R.E. please?

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Amazing guys, you seem to be doing this for the right reasons and are extremely optimistic on how quickly you can achieve everything. Good luck with everything!

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