Get rid of waiting period for Fee ASR

The waiting period for quarterly token ASR doesn’t do anything but create fud. .75% airdrop on lfg launch will not rug anyone. and many people don’t understand ASR are quarterly anyways. if we created a vote for getting rid of the wait, I know it would pass. but currently there is no concrete path to make that vote happen. Lets structure the LFG process how voters wants it, slowly but surely evolving it by adjusting parameters over time. for example project fee percent to launch, minimum criteria like tokenomics, and launch date. I know that adjusting the process isn’t a priority right now and we are still in the data collection phase. but a good first vote regarding it would be adjusting the fee distribution period. if this idea interests you, consider making another proposal similar to this


I would agree with that… To help build the legitimacy of projects there shouldn’t be an issue with them paying a fee… Maybe even a tiered system that with higher levels of requirements and fees also comes with a level of trust that can be put into projects… I feel it would cut out some of these bad (HORRIBLE) actors that are surely eroding away in some places people’s trust with Solana and crypto in general… Personally it feels SOL in some ways has become just a hot bed for crap meme coins and hella fast rugs pushed by every other twitter personality willing to sell their soul for a quick buck… Am I crazy or does what I’m saying make sense?


I understand not wanting to wait for the ASR distribution. Especially after the Sharkyfi fiasco. I personally like the idea of waiting for the rewards because of the big payday at once. Also I think it helps support the projects stability with a slower token distribution. What about a indicator? Like if we were to show how much each vote was worth. Example :point_right: “1JUP vote = .00032 of token X that is launching”. So that way everyone can figure out their individualized allocation. I think that might work well to keep FUD at bay. What do you think?


I don’t really see a point in the self-imposed waiting period for ASR, the allocation we get is really small and the impact we would have is minimal in comparison to the allocation given to VCs and other affiliates.

For sharkyfi, we could have staked our ASR and get 2x-3x but instead we’re waiting to get 0.75% while vcs and project airdrop affiliates are thriving.


i thi k this proposal is bad

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Then you’re really gonna hate the possibility that ASR rewards might be vested. See #3 under Design Goals LFG: A Pragmatic, Optimistic Experiment

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Great idea! I think something like this will have a larger grasp on the attention of the community

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