Jupiter dao is also for all of us… Previous year they give larjest size airdop amount… And this year they will give another chance for all… Let see how much profit they give…
if you are talking about ASR it has already been decided from the community that we will have 4 more ASR periods in 2025 with 50M JUP each + other tokens
so 200M JUP + other tokens
you can check on your wallet in this website. It tells you how much tokens will be dropped to your wallet in the next airdrop https://catalytics.pro/jupiter/governance
Depends how much you mean profit they give?
Because the AirDrop isn’t necessarily profit, it’s just a simple gift that’s been locked up.
But yes, likewise to you I am very excited for it. I hope everyone appreciates it.
Yes, bro, but please be careful spamming that everywhere.
I don’t know if they implement this year, But I’m sure we’ll see it in future airdrops
I’m sure whatever gift we all get will be very welcomed
A lot of us would be using Jupiter regardless of if there was or wasn’t Jupuary. Definitely excited to see how it pans out though!
Call it what you may, But Loyalty remains.
In my view of course I appreciate “the gift”, But I also know my strong loyalty has put food on many peoples tables, If I didn’t think JUPITER was worth it I would take my “Business” elsewhere… Some say Tomatoes … you know the saying.
?? What does this mean??
You just posted that in a few places bruv
But WEN is the drop? Will there be any other tokens that get dropped first for participators. Last year I totally missed out on the… it may have actually been WEN drop that came before the JUP drop. Meow… meow… meow… I just don’t want to miss out anymore!
We don’t know wen
But the aim is 22nd of Jan but it will be before 25th
Jupuary checker coming soon and i suppose that ASR checker for the period October - December 2024 will drop soon too.
Until the end of the month both will be claimed (not official, just what i think)
I believe they said asr will be Feb
i thought it was the week of January 20th to 24th for ASR airdrop
Nah that’s the plan for jupuary. ASR will come in feb.
The focus of the team rn is jupuary and Catstanbul .
got it thank you have a good day
was about to share the same screenshot ngl. to add into the conversation, JUP never fail to deliver ASR before… why would they fail now when Jupruary and Catstanbul (both main agenda for 2025) around the corner
The ASR was never in question, it’s only a matter of time when will they drop it.