Combating obvious sybil

Strongly agree with what you suggested here. Jupiter has a strong pool of followers and community already. They have a lot of data set to determine this. Social platform engagements, DAO, those actively using the Jupiter ecosystem for trades etc. Also the point you raised about those who received & haven’t sold their 1st Jupuary airdrop is very important since meow mentioned last time that every Jup can be traced. Why leave all these to try & put Jup in the hands of others who aren’t part of these ecosystem in anyway? By rewarding these Jupiter communities that have earned it through direct or indirect community participation, that in itself will pull in future Jupers who want to benefit from the thriving ecosystem.


Agree to agree with @lochie2001 but also agree with the followup opinion take and perspective of @Mbolorman .

Over all pretty agreeable agreements here.

Who would disagree? :black_cat: :sweat_smile:


I Agree to disagree :rofl:


I can get behind that and even disagree to agree, because in the bigger picture, this disagreement almost is (agreeably) more on the side of agreement.

Ok this makes my brain melt, back to cat puns, rustle me whiskers and wag a tail, this conversation has been purrfect and pawsome.


I think meow has already commented on DAO voters will be rewarded from this JUPUARY, the first was for traders, 2nd is for DAO participants

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Damn i hope those 0.1 or less stakers get nothing, theres no reason any real persn would stake that many tokens is there?

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Yeah, soju Has mentioned that the minimum mistake will be like 50 for ASR.

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I think 10 from now on


148k is a lot of farmers. Glad team are all over them !


Crazy, thanks for spending the time researching this!

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I mean im sure a lot of those are sybils, but I can imagine a few are really small stakers without much $$ to get a larger stake. Overall I think it makes sense to do a low cap though, the amount of dust claims was crazy