In summary the purpose of Jupuary round #2 Airdrop is:
Bringing 40% (now 28.85%) of the 10B JUP token supply into circulation
Distributing JUP to the millions of Jupiter users in a decentralised fashion
Incentivising (not rewarding) existing users to engage more with Jupiter
Guerilla marketing method to create huge hype and (social)media attention
It has been discussed a fair bit:
When the Jupiter team mentioned Jupuary they always emphasised a broad inclusive growth oriented distribution to the millions of Jupiter users.
Like community member @Rico_JHE stated:
Jupuary is meant to distribute JUP to the community of Jupiter users.
There is 10B JUP (part being burned now). Just 1.35B is in circulation so far.
And in my own words:
785 Million (7.85% of JUP supply) was successfully brought into circulation in round 1, with the 215M unclaimed JUP going to reward JUP stakers (ASR).
Some stakers are claiming: ‘‘You can also just buy JUP’’. Sure they can but that has nothing to do with the point of the distributing 40% (28.85% after the burn) JUP according to the tokenomics - through 4 (or 3) rounds of Jupuary.
The goal of Jupuary is to put JUP into the hands of legitimate Jupiter users, who may or may not yet be JUP holders.
Furthermore Jupuary is used to incentivise (not reward) platform usage.
Another side-goal or result of Jupiter is to attract millions of new users to Jupiter through massive hype and (social)media attention.
That’s why I’m proposing a balanced distribution to the DAO / JUP Stakers, Community contributors, New Feature Users, Perpetual Traders, JLP holders, $10M+ tier, $1M - $10M tier, $100K - $1M tier, $10K - $100K tier, $1K - $10K tier, $100+ tier.