Proposal for Distribution of the Unclaimed JUP from ASR Session 1

There can be lots of reasons not to claim, doesn’t make you a bot or that you don’t care!

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what do you think would be the main cause of someone not redeeming within 30 day window?


Just as there might be lots of reasons that one did not vote/participate; It does not make them a bot or that they don’t care. However; actions determine consequences, not intentions. The process of ASR is to claim your JUP at the end, and we need to incentivize that in some way- that is what the proposal seeks to accomplish. The chances we are left with JUP left over are very slim because those who claimed before have shown they are willing and capable of doing the process in full and will most likely be able to do so again.


Deffo IRL, a friend of mine had to move house & wasnt able to access his desktop with most of his wallets on


Claim is ISO friendly, i regularly use my phone for web3

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Fully on board and believe it is the fairest treatment!


vote is mobile friendly from solflare, phanton or backpack!


What about those those who participate in season 2 ASR , are we going to be left out For the 4 million unclaimed Token Distribution :pleading_face:

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Sorry i Just can t claim my asr reward to my wallet because holliday Time , it s 6 month i block my jup, please can you do some thing for the claim ?

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The claim was only for 30 days. That has now finished.

There were lots of reminders to claim asr


If you did not, nor did not participate in season 1, why didn’t you? Should you reap the rewards intended for participating in ACTIVE staking, even though you did not participate? I do not think that makes sense. When you do participate appropriately in governance for season 2, you will reap the rewards set for that period.

We need to set a president going into Season 2, for those who have shown their true dedication to the entire process will be rewarded.

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this is good but i don’t think it is necessary, rewarded unclaimed could be part of the treasury and could be used for season 2 ASR

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(I say this with love):


Please read my anecdotal about this.

(MIA due to death in family)

I have a perfectly reasonable human excuse for not being able to claim my ASR. I’ve been waiting VERY patiently, contributing in many ways, staking, adding more. Investing.

I still have a rightful claim to my part of the ASR rewards.

Alternative proposal:

  1. Open up the portal again, provide at least 90-120 additional days to claim.
  2. Add an email notification input feature on the claim site to mitigate this issue in the future. All emails will feed into an email communication system for the community on all key events and initiatives and will strengthen communication channels and reach. (I can help build/dev)
  3. If after this “reasonable” claim policy is implemented, there is still excess, add it to the initiative that has proven to generate lift on the metrics we actually care about. We should not support losing initiatives.
  4. OR roll to ASR 2, but non claimants should still be able to grab the same amount of rewards they would have gotten from asr1…especially if they are still staked in. (I am).
  5. Don’t be greedy.

The logic:

  1. If you promise someone something, you should follow through with your word. That simple. Coming in after the fact and saying “I’ll give you what I promised…but chit chit chit…(devilish sneer)… only if you do this little thing for me…(even more devilish sneer).”. This is called a Bait-and-switch. This is a sneaky tactic that is not within integrity.
  2. I heard that <10% of rewards were claimed (anyone have the verified metric?). If true, this imo would be an atrocious result. Showing incredibly low engagement. If the intent for creating a tight claim window was to increase engagement (?) - then this should be considered a failed experiment. And we should not dig our heels further into these kind of strategies.
  3. Taking what people didn’t claim, after providing a very very short claim window (in a bear market btw), and then trying to grab at it yourself is equivalent to the minority playing tricks…stealing from the majority. (Sound familiar?). If that’s not you - apologies. Just bringing awareness to the energy of that kind of move and how it looks. If this is surplus… then sure. But what’s left after an extremely short window to “get yours”, is not even close to surplus.
  4. Regardless of above, providing additional days to claim especially knowing you have people (like me) with very reasonable human reasons for missing the window… use cases that were not considered on the initial design… is absolutely reasonable and would be seen as compassionate and just. The opposite would be well… the opposite of that. Cold and a crime.
  5. Sorry while I can understand the initial thinking behind this (I get it), and appreciate the effort you put in… at the end of the day I strongly believe that it’s a short-sighted proposal and doesn’t actually do anything to increase numbers, or positive sentiment, and it does not make us look good. It’s just serving the very few. It is not the actions becoming of a community that cares about public goods or the long term.

Note: The only possible slim exception I can think of to any of this… is that if we as a collective are absolutely desperate and are in absolute survival mode. And we have zero funds… at the absolute bottom of the barrel, and need to fund staff to keep the entire project alive.

Please free to comment and defend.

I think you might be making alot of assumptions here that are un proven.

Its a more reasonable hypothesis, that if you promise rewards <> in exchange for participation and investment + follow through with delivering those rewards when that agreement is satisfied… this = generates MORE participation. It’s really simple.

If you promise <> they participate + don’t deliver on your promise = no more participation. Loss of confidence. Upheaval.

In short, If you promise something. Just follow through with your word. Don’t come around after the fact and say “oh wait… buttttt … i’ll only give you what I promised… if you do this.” It’s too late.

That is called “bait-and-switch”.

Nothing is bait and switch about a rule that was there from the get go. Having a limited claim window is by design, and it is fair. They said claim window 30 days and followed through with that word. They did not come after and said “but…” - It was there all along.


100% correct. JUP DAO couldn’t be more clear if they tried. Multiple times they sent out notifications via X and Discord, where it was also heavily discussed. There was no surprise to this.


Sorry about your family’s loss, and hope well for you all- but I don’t personally think it’s right to trying to push a narrative as to why, during a pre-determined 30 day window, you couldn’t find 5 minutes to claim. It sounds like you had your own personal issues and you want to change the whole system to benefit yourself rather than the community. The opportunity to finalize your commitment to the ASR process passed, while others ceased it. The circumstances of that are marginalized because MOST people did claim. ~92% of the JUP was claimed meaning most people, WHO ALSO HAVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL ISSUES, were able to claim. They should be rewarded accordingly.


50M JUP was assigned to be distributed. There is an excess. I outlined in the Rationale section

:That last part is pretty necessary if we want more successful ASR’s in the future. And a higher community participation. Those things seem pretty necessary to me personally!


It is very fair! i cant think of a better way to do it tbh

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wel said brother. We cant be playing the vicitm here. We cop it on the chin and move on! :slight_smile: