Proposal: Enhance certainty for JUP holders and community via a token supply reduction

Complete trust in the team

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Appreciate the clear breakdown and analysis.

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thank you for that link @georgegr, interesting arguments on both sides

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I believe Meow said 2x Jupanuary somewhere instead of 3x


Our goal here was to:

  1. address concerns from the community about the large overhang of JUP
  2. provide more certainty and transparency about all the remaining JUP, and what they can be used for, or what they are allocated for.

Hope it makes sense!


Hey guys.

Soju from the Jupiter Team here, with a slight addition to what Meow wrote.

We propose to burn the 3B JUP over a period of time.

We will ensure the community is able to transparently view, on-chain, the progression of the burn.

More information after the vote has completed!


Sounds Super and can only be a good this from what I see

Casted my votes already

Sounds great! I like that you brought up in context that the team will ensure the community is able to transparently view this process, but I think the team proves so often above and beyond how transparent they handle all on chain it is not even a point of uncertancy anyhow.

You guys are doin’ great!


This is a very good idea, I am in and I have casted my in support of the great move. Thanks

Seen some crypto show where some JUP hater constantly tries to fade JUP over FDV. Also saw the FUD that followed the first Jupuary. But through these, from every week’s Planetary call, and Weremeow’s essays I get ever more convinced Jupiter has committed team, leadership and hence, community.

Tbh, I 'm not an expert on tokenomics I’m only considering the sentiment of people I believe understand the subject. I think if the token has performed well despite concerns over FDV, it will perform even better after the reduction.

I am super bullish on this move to address the FDV concerns and I’m voting for.


This proposal was great and I love the idea. I :100:% support this and vote to support the reduction idea

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By reducing the total supply of tokens, token burns can create scarcity which may lead to an increase the $JUP tokens value as demand remains constant or increases and it can help support the $JUP tokens price by reducing the supply which can be particularly useful in stabilizing the market during periods of high volatility.


I trust this team, so i vote for it.

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My biggest blocker is not knowing what role $JUP will play in the GUM. Because if GUM is to become so huge as it sounds it wants to be, then the first question is: Won’t we miss those 30%?

The other question I have: Shouldn’t burning be considered only after majority of the asset is in circulation? If my interpretation of the Jul 2024 Community Audit is correct then we have:

  • Total Distributed (Team) = 290,923,066
  • Total Distributed (Comm.) = 1,100,000,000
  • Grand Total Distributed = 1,390,923,066
  • Total Minted = 10,000,000,000

This makes 13.91% of $JUP currently in circulation, correct?

But, this proposed reduction is not gonna touch the already Distributed supply. The burn will touch Reserved supply, both in case of Team and Community halves.

Therefore, if the burn happens and reduces the Total Minted from 10B to 7B, then $JUP in circulation will (eventually) become 19.87%, as it was clarified that the burn would happen over a period of 6+ months. (update: considering supply in circulation not increasing during that period)

I am no expert in tokenomics, but I am an analyst, and therefore need to ask: Does this make sense? Is the burn something we need rn? Will it have the expected outcome?

Thank you in advance to anyone who will clarify these questions 🫶🏻


@meow is getting to do all the heavy lifting here and while I support the intention I am playing CATch-up with the mechanics of FDV & managing Tokenomics

Still,as I do that,I think we’re in good hands,and as far as i can ascertain both community & team are aligned with the wider market and mission vision of JUP

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very nice proposal, looking forward to the rest of the proposals and how everything gets structured! :star_struck:

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I was looking for explanation of CATdet
came up with Community Aligned Tokenomics…
which I like & so will keep
have since been disabused and learnt that the meaning of (CAT) is certainty, alignment and transparency
same thing…different words

Glad this voting proposal popped up on time as scheduled. Done my duty and feel privileged to be able to be part of decision making in the best project = JUPITER🙌🏿 Go out and vote y’all💪🏿


Great effort for community, cant see a downside for users and JUP believers, furthermore we should expect more burn events in long term

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