Proposal: Catdet Workgroup - LFGrow!

Hey @keydesign, while I cannot personally effect many of the changes suggested here, I really appreciate you taking the time to write this. Let me share some of my responses and thoughts.

  1. I can see how this might be good, just not sure how it will gel with the existing working groups processes. Right now I think workgroup’s purposes are aligned to grow the J.U.P and move towards the meta. There is something here to dive a lot more into though I feel. Would love to have an in-depth synchronous chat with you on this so I can understand what you are thinking and then I will have a better idea.

  2. @kemosabe made some points in the Discord regarding this: Discord that you can maybe check out. I think the DAO could be taking a more idealistic stance here.

  3. Agreed on this point, and hence there is already talks of a Talent Management WG: Proposal: Talent Recruitment WG which I am fully supportive of and would work closely with them in terms of future recruitment matters if they are instantiated.

  4. Makes some sense too. Maybe at least a “Overview” that conforms to similar formats that can be posted on the voting pages… The ones posted right now are actually not written by us and are summarised by the team/others.

Thanks again!


" Hold on… what even is a Catdet?
It is honestly quite hard to objectively define what a Catdet is"

this is where most people should stop reading and vote NO

“we will observe and solve critical problems that we see in the community”

in my opinion, a separate should be created for each problem, rather than funding a team to be ready to respond to something (undefined) worth responding to as deemed worthy of responding to by the team.

“The process of 5 months will give us sufficient time to listen, plan, act, and iterate on any feedback.”

that 5 month period should precede the creation of this proposal and any potential awarded budget.


  • i have no who the team is or anything tangible they’ve done. “10 years at X doing Y” isn’t verifiable, and thus isn’t helpful in any way. working for Mad Lads is tangible to some extent, but experience at a legitimate company would carry more weight with me, personally. essentially anyone can be a web3 marketer or startup founder because such a label is free to use and not inherently tied to reality the way a traditional startup or company would be. it takes someone with at least a relatively competant and validated skillset to fill a given role for a company that has bills to pay, shareholders to answer to, metrics to maintain/improve, and so on. is there anyone on the team that can share their LinkedIn or explicit career experience examples?
  • there are too many people involved, and the budget is too high for something that many people could/would be interested in doing purely for fun if they were fans of Jupiter. $69k for 5 months is truly absurd for an anonymous team and no clearly-defined goals. if the team is very well-known and respected within the community, then ignore this critique. i don’t frequent discord/reddit/twitter/etc, so i could be (am) out of touch
  • that hoodie design is awful for many reasons, unless the goal is to reinforce the offputting-at-best “men only / techbro” culture crypto is known for
  • summarizing stuff with ChatGPT warrants a budget of $0
  • my battery is going to die so that’s all i’ve got

The strongest of the current proposals, with flexibility and multiple options to grow the catdet core and ancillary added strength in supporting those without core skills, allowing anyone with interest a way to contribute. I have only dreamt of these tenants for my own community. This proposal inspires me to go further and has shared added resources I can leverage, which incentivizes me to engage with catdets more often so that I may learn and grow. Love it. On a personal note, if you are not already working irl web2/3, then contributing and engaging web2/3 can be daunting and demanding, sometimes taking away from irl; time, goals, family. This places web2/3 at the back of the priority list, but does not remove the passion of wanting to contribute and engage. I think you did well to spread around levels of possibility for anyone interested.

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Hey I can see that you are unhappy with several aspects of the proposal. We proposed what we felt are the value we can provide. We did in fact have a pre-trial period of 6-8 weeks to figure a bunch of things out with the Discord community, and we want to do that now with the wider community with the trial (people like you for example who would not have been involved otherwise!). I would assume you have already casted your vote, would love to hear your feedback going forward regarding the Catdets and Catdet Workgroup.

You can reply here or fill up a post-vote feedback at:! Can be done anonymously as well if you do not wish to participate in the lucky draw.

Thank you for taking time to leave your comment. :heart:


Thank you for your comment :heart: and I’m happy you found what we shared inspiring and/or useful. We look forward to having you in the community! LFGrow!

We are very happy to have you! Welcome aboard. this forum is a great place to get o know more about what we do…and how we go about doing it!


Thanks for the links. I wish I could contribute more but I’ve got too much of my own work at the moment. I added some comments in the Discord. This stuff isn’t easy but we’ll learn and adapt. J4J.

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would it be possible to share this here, so it can be part of this public discussion?

fair enough! and i always respect people asking for what they feel they deserve

i guess i just don’t really see how this (or other working groups, to be Frank) contribute to the greater Jupiter ecosystem/community in a manner that is proportional to the funds awarded. i feel as though a clearly defined goal should be a prerequisate for requesting funding, rather than being paid for good vibes, a vague vision, and some AI generated content.

then there’s also the the lack of specific information about team members’ qualifications, which, as long as this concern remains unaddressed, i’d like it to be known to this thread that i’ve been the king of a top country (by GDP) for 10 years now, following several decades-long stints serving as monarchs of other very productive kingdoms


The Discord is as much a public platform as this forum is, so it is already in a public discussion, just not this particular one haha… In any case, it is a really long series of statements that probably has to be taken into context as well. If @kemosabe wishes he can join in the conversation here or in any of the other threads where this question was posted, because I think the OP posted this in several proposals.

I actually don’t know how to address your later point regarding goals. My take is that knowing the general direction and possible approaches and vision are more important than goal. It is somewhat dependent on the environment the organisation and individual is operating in. Given the high degree of uncertainty in web3 environment and the fact that we are building and working in public with the community, a highly adaptive approach seem to be correct. Maybe the team and CWG can give a better take on why the current model is as such. Again, I believe this take is not specific to the Catdet’s proposal.

With regards to the team’s qualifications, I posted based on good faith, and I believe my team members did too. The web3 stuff can be proven or fact-checked pretty easily I think; the web2 related ones have less detail perhaps so anyone can feel free to discount them. I think in general in the web3 space people can disclose as much as they want about their personal identity and history and it’s up to the community to decide if that warrants enough trust or not. This is not a thing specific to Jupiter. I am of course happy to make adjustments if Jupiter creates their own set of guidelines on this (currently there isn’t).

Hope these clarifies. Again some of these questions are not scoped specifically to the Catdet’s proposal, I still answered them because I wanted make sure you get a response for your time and thoughtfulness. I honestly think some of them could be better addressed as overall systemic-level discussions with the CWG or team. Feel free to create a Topic in the forum on this or hop in the Discord to take these further.


Discord may be public, but it’s nowhere near as accessible as a public forum such as this. requiring someone to install Discord and join a server to see information that i believe is relevant to this proposal seems a tad silly to me. i believe there is quite a bit more one could say against using Discord in place of any public, web-accessible forums, but that’s too off-topic to get into here. this frustration isn’t unique to Discord, either. Reddit is equally bad, since i generally cannot use it without having an account and/or while using a VPN. this forum is perfect for this sort of thing, since anyone can view everything with just a web browser, which computers/phones have by default :slight_smile:

you are correct that my point regarding lack of clearly-defined goals extends to basically all working group proposals, at least those actively being voted on. i voted agianst all of those too, just to be clear, for similar reasons – lack of goals, bloated budget, lack of adequate (imo) team information, etc

personally, i don’t particularly value web3 credentials. this is undoubtedly a personal preference informed by being in the space for a few years, but i’m aware others may believe the web3 credentials provided to be adequate proof of the team’s qualifications. while i do understand and respect that many people involved in web3 don’t like to intermingle their web3 & web2 lives, it just means i cannot gauge how qualified anyone is based on my own internal criteria.

also, to clarify, i don’t care if the team members reveal personally-identifiable information like their names, companies, and so on.that’s not necessary at all to prove one’s track record and qualifications

it would just be useful to see examples of work, links to social accounts (that have been in existince for more than a few months lol), github accounts, portfolios, blogs, websites, etc.

if i was to apply for some sort of art or writing proposal, for example, i would be able to share many, many years of art/animation/writing content, despite none of this being associated with my IRL identity. (pseudonyms/usernames are one of the Internet’s greatest blessings!)

just to share some random examples: julian could maybe share what they made during their two Solana hackathons, easy e could share some of the projects they’re an advisor for or some branding examples, cas could share a youtube showing their 3D animation/videos/content, and so on. these are just examples, of course, but this is the sort of thing i think would go a long way. (this applies to all proposals, of course, not just this one!)

thanks for taking the time to respond. i appreciate it (-:


Is $1.8k per month a fair pay rate? How much time are you looking to spend on this work per week? Comparatively, the other working groups requested much higher pay, though most of those roles seem to be full time.

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