Overcomplicating Jupuary Proposals

You miss the point of Jupuary. It is not about rewarding those who care most about JUP.

Jupuary is for community GROWTH not as some twisted kind of community REWARD!

Jupuary is about a fair and strategic distribution of JUP to the community of Jupiter users! That’s it.

  • Your proposal here has no balance.
  • It holds no real weight compared to more substantial proposals.
  • It has been discussed in-lenght in other topics and is a duplicate topic.
  • It has no basis of analysis, data, math or actual serious thought
  • It is infested with a twisted self interest as a big staker

Frankly, 70% of Jupuary going to the DAO is absolutely insane!

Why? Because you’re talking about giving 490 Million JUP (490,000,000) going to 440 Million Staked. That would be 111% reward on top of the 45% ASR :joy: :joy: :joy:

Be real or just keep on dreaming :wink:

The below proposal is not overly complicated. It can be understood by many.

I’m sure the team will come up with something even better.