Jupuary 2025: Overview + Checker

I know it. 500 isn’t that much and I’m sure I could have traded back and forth through different crypto and gotten to that point but I’m really barely able to put food on my plate in my situation. I don’t mean it as a dispute against J.U.P project.
I just thought the project was all inclusive. Especially never having unstaked the only money I have and being part of this project as much as I have, talking about it to friends and those around me to get them into crypto. I really never knew about DAO or staking, or practically anything Crypto. I just thought crypto was too much before J.U.P and it has brought me a long way in my cryptocurrency journey. I am thankfully more knowledgeable about crypto now more than ever…
like I said, I’m vested in J.U.P and don’t plan on unstaking anytime. I want to stake more and learn more than ever.
I have put in a good cats and will still be here if I dont meet the qualifications for that either. I think the J.U.P project is awesome.
I wish there were an “academy” I could learn from offered by the Jupiter project. Something like a “how to” guide or “requirement checklist” page to make sure anyone is eligible for anything J.U.P. I still don’t know how to get POAP’s from attending planetary calls. The whole “catdet’s” thing is still a mystery and I feel like I still find things J.U.P related that aren’t posted on discord or YouTube, twitter, etc. I already mentioned that there should be a site map of all things J.U.P related on jupresearch so it would be easier to navigate the planetary system … ((My post))(Starter's Guide to JUP Research - #64 by That1)
All In all, I’m here to stay and that’s that.
When it’s all said and done -

p.s. It’s long read, I know. That’s how much I’m in this and I could keep going if I knew more… But that’s for the future. And I’ll be catching all the Jupdates (updates) I can. Thanks everyone!