Jupiter mobile app design idea

explorer maybe, DCA in app or limit. all they have right now is swap and send
oh and view histeory


If we are talking about personal stats, I would love to be able to see under my profile, net profit/loss for perps transactions during a year.

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I really clicked on this thinking I was about to see a wireframe or some kind of ui mockup.

it is a screenshot of twitter and a photo of the existing jup mobile app tied together with words.

if we get anything from jupuary. a gift indeed.

a gift indeed.

sketch, figma, Moqups im less familiar with allow for you to very quickly make sketches of the flow of an app. Easily make a quick mockup and even push the ui to mobile device to test.

Curious if this was given to a third party or if all of the app was created essentially in house by existing JUP employees

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Love that idea, something I could share to friends or post maybe

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