Jupiter JUP Airdrop: Balanced Proposal for Jupuary 2025

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.

The perps allocation might indeed be better if it were based on fees paid. I just know the team wants to keep it as simple as possible and the proposal is already quite complex as it is. We also don’t have that data for fees paid in numbers of users.

Meow said this about it 1 year ago:

I would make the tiers tighter for the perps, like a 5X difference instead of 10X difference. I worked on a tier example for perps for a few hours in the middle of the night, but the specifics of it didn’t work out yet due to lack of user data (until now).

For getting the specific tiered allocations for perps, I’d first have to get / make a script doing the amount of users between a minimum and maximum volume amount - like we did with the swap volume, using the Jupiter database information.

This was considered by the team but not possible as explained in Grow the Pie #1:

Yes, these wouldn’t work as an exclusion criteria for many reasons that were previously discussed, mainly since it would exclude too many legit users, but like you say they could be added as a bonus / multiplier of reasonable size.

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