Jupiter DAO Microgrants Initiative

At the end of the initial grants cohort, we will have an intensive retrospective with the community because I think the most important part is to support what worked.

If we can scale what works, we are in good shape, and I think that’s one of the major intentions here.

With 15-30 grants under our belt, we should have a sufficient amount of data to sift through to iterate and refine the system.


Just to clarify

Are you suggesting that instead of new work groups popping up, you are saying that people should staff the existing ones or the trials which wound down?

Just for reference, the CWG is absorbing a portion of the web working group duties, particularly Jup.eco and scaling it down a bit.

I think meow also wants to try to decentralize the responsibility of the reddit.

But what you are saying is to find people wanting to work on the existing ones instead?



Are these so-called “millions of views” just coming from the Jupiter Twitter account, which should be generating millions of impressions by default? The TikTok is practically dead—barely any views at all.

As for the report you posted, CWG may have the most work under its belt, but it’s still a lacking compared to what I’d expect from a team raking in millions.

Considering the amount of money funneled into these groups, the results are downright pathetic. Throwing $70k at moderators and churning out a mediocre website is far from an accomplishment in my book. What has the Catdet Working Group done, since you conveniently left them out?

Why are we shelling out millions to the CWG to just beg for another $150k? Will this $150k even last the year, or will it be squandered on initiatives the community never asked for?

Where is this $150k figure even coming from? Has anyone bothered to consider the actual needs of the DAO, or is this just money being thrown around for the sake of spending it? I’d at least expect a clear outline of what the DAO needs before the CWG comes back asking for more cash.

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People always and already showing interest in working for WG; any working group.

What I’m trying to say is that, instead of creating another working group for the new set of people , let say the name will be People Working Group(just for example), we can spell out there duty and align/assign them to former existing WG.

The value they want to give ;
The mission they want to embark on;
The vision they are looking up to;

Will still in one way or the other align with one existing WG.

There can be intake of new set of people if they submit any proposal and meet the requirements, but let scrap the creation of another WG(e.g PWG people working group {just for example } )

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Maybe there’s confusion here, this isn’t another work group at all. Its made up of members from existing work groups and they won’t be getting paid anything extra.

The $150k is for grants to other community members who want to do smaller tasks for jupiter.


The CWG is not asking for any cash, not a cent.

We are creating a grants program, all of this capital is going into the grants program for a trial of the system we have designed to check its efficacy. The establishment of such a grants program has been a clear duty of ours as outlined in our first proposal.

This proposal is to fund the grants program, not a work group, not any salaries, not any raises: it is for grants.

ICYMI: The $150k figure is actually quite conservative for grants programs, which we believe to be responsible until it proves its efficicacy.


Additionally, this proposal is right in line with Metaplex’s USDC ask ($150k), and actually comes in under because there is no request for $JUP at this time. You can see that here:

Hope this helps. <3


Thank you for your answer.
Yes, I understand the question of emergency.
In another post I suggested that the nuke action is taken immediately by the team and then the DAO could vote to confirm or unfirm.


I am comfortable with what has been proposed, but would suggest lowering the minimum grant amount to $2.5k. IMO this would still provide adequate incentive and remuneration to certain micro-projects, and would allow the total $150,000 pool to be spread more widely. Ofc, some (perhaps many) proposals will be worthy of $5k or greater, but I think there should be flexibility to award smaller grants for smaller projects.


Totally agree, I also think the $10k maximum should be somewhat flexible, depending on the people looking to receive it, their public work history, and their deliverables.

That said, there’s no reason why the same person or people can’t receive multiple sequential grants, the $5-10k is more of a target than a hard rule. :slight_smile:


I like the proposal to involve and work with the community !

I also like the suggestion done by olima : We should lower the minimum amount of the grant.

And i would even push forward this idea :

Don’t you think it may be a good idea to have a sort of “ranking” regarding the proposal who will ask a grant ?

I mean :

We can imagine to classify project from 1 to 3 (1 may be must have, 3 nice to have) and shared an proper amount

1 : 5 - 10k
2 : 2,5 - 5k
3 : 1 - 2,5k

Also, may be we could not give all of the grant at once, maybe 30% at the start. And the rest when we see results and we are confortable with what have been done.

What do you think guys ?



Oh, okay then
Thanks for clarifying that.
Looking forward to the proposal been accepted.

I see alot of people want to do something for the JUPITER community, now let see how it goes.

J4J :ringer_planet::ringer_planet:


The idea is great, but define “work”, b’cos I’ve come to see the term as probably the most ambiguous or even abused one in this industry, so define it. Let’s know what’s beffiting of a pay/grant in very clear terms.


Yeah I think this is more of an internal vote for internal processes, so its going to sound daunting to anyone from the outside regardless. Its good how transparent the process is and those in positions of authority show their intentions clearly which is great for a system ultimately dependent on people.


Thanks for confirming this will be added to the final draft @kemosabe🙏🏿


Hmmm, maybe I need to suck it up & start being in the disc more


Hmm this isnt something i want to spend 150k on really.

Uplink gets farmed by bots whwo dont care about JUP

Audio equiptment should be at daos expense

EVent sponsership makes sense for big proj like Breakpoint.

If these are what we are funding ill probs vote no.


Best thing you can do

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Not sure where you did the conclusion that the grants system and its pool of funds to pay for already existing work groups and initiatives. The mentioned examples from @kemosabe was merely examples on how some micro-grants had previously been distributed directly from existing WG budgets.

The grants program and its budget is, as mentioned in the draft posts and following replies to other questions by @Slorg and @kemosabe, meant for new community contributions and efforts, and will serve as a stepping stone for people to contribute more towards the Jupiverse through the DAO :slight_smile:


I concur with your point of view on that the grants program can suit smaller initiatives as well, within the range you mentioned!