I like to think yes, but prob it going to need a setup for work to everybody and ofc some aditional steps or duties.
Agreed with the logic, yet to see this happen with 100% of a group in practise. For MadLads, what about the ones that bought that didn’t receive anywhere near the value they paid? Clearly PVP
As the market follows bitcoin long term crypto will have less volatility. It’s very early for crypto still. Value traditionally means price increase. Plus you have other factors like inflation of traditional currencies affecting the space. Utility will eventually win the day.
I think PPP is possible but like in sanctum with lst tokens.
Maybe if we made a usd lst that would have pegged price to dollar and intrest that would be added to the lst value so it would only go up.
you would need dollar peg to be sperate that the lst
maybe you can just use usdc or create a stable on sol. Maybe a stable on solona is what we need.
jup stable coin usdJ could even be multi chain however we should make it a lst in sanctum and have high apr’s would go directly into the value on the stable lst
hell we could do this with every main net token on jup and create a jup pair like jupsol , jupusd , jupeth , jupbtc, jupxrp …i think you all get the idea
Please share your thoughts good bad are welcome all the time. Growth
If you want to do it all baby let do it!
Jup is home!
make it everyones home
PPP lets go
If you put some final targets with deadlines PPP is possible until these deadlines, and then big fishes will take their big share and dump.
With endless development and innovative progress without borders, dedicated PPP members can easily compensate seasonal dumps with the help of buybacks.