Not a bad idea to consider but I think the un-staker should be able to get a portion back (that would be kept in a reserve wallet) if they decided to stake back within a certain period. Maybe even a tier level type program. Within 30 days 80% of original forfeit back, 60 days (70% back), 120 days (60% back) etc… Emergencies do happen and this solution might be a good option for both sides. Just a thought, thank you for the opportunity to leave feedback.
I currently just started staking and the forced 30 day stake helped me get a little more dedicated to JUP. I got the airdrop from the Jupuary drop which helped to. If anything there should def be a pen more then 10 percent …that doesnt seem enough
Borrowing against your locked JUP is also ideal.
Right off the bat, 50% penalty is extremely high. I can understand the sentiment that the 30 days unstake is to encourage staking and holding, even if you consider 8 out 10 people lying about their emergencies, I don’t want the remaining 2/10 people to go through even more than they already are by basically telling them, “hey, I know you are facing an emergency right now, best we can do is 5000 out of your 10000”. This just doesn’t sit well with me.
Rather what I could see being a sensible option would be to loan usdc/usdt against the staked JUP for the market value of jup at that time. If person fails to return the loan, the staked JUP amount against which usdc/usdt was loaned and the respective ASR would then be added to total ASR pool for others.
I have no plans to unstake my JUP, I only stake them but I think this idea is not good. We shouldn’t get the JUP that people already have. MAYBE if a person wants to unstake immediately, their wallet is blacklisted from the current ASR and next Jupuary…
3-5+ years is what I consider long-term
Hey matto,
I appreciate your perspective, but I want to clarify that I am not proposing any changes to the current model - I am simply suggesting an additional option for those who might urgently need liquidity.
Right now, if someone wants to unstake, they have to wait 30 days to receive their full stake. That remains unchanged. However, if they need instant access to their funds, they should have the option to unstake immediately - but at a cost. This penalty isn’t meant to punish anyone. It’s there to maintain balance and prevent excessive short-term exits that could impact the ecosystem.
I also don’t see staking & voting as a “job.” Governance participation is voluntary, and while ASR provides incentives, it’s not a guaranteed fixed yield - simply because we don’t have the JUP supply to sustain that indefinitely. As it stands, we only have another three quarters of ASR funding.
The current model works well and I’m not suggesting we change it - I am suggesting we enhance it by giving people a choice. Saying there shouldn’t be a penalty goes against the entire reasoning behind the existing 30-day lock.
This is about offering flexibility while protecting the long-term stability of JUP DAO governance. Open to more discussion but that’s where I stand.
No one is coming after anyone’s funds. I am not trying to change the current model - just looking to improve it. If you are willing to wait 30 days , you will get your full stake, no problem. But for those with emergencies who urgently need liquidity , there should be an option to unstake instantly at a cost . No one is forced to use it and as I’ve said many times, you can always wait 30 days and get 100% of your JUP.
I agree with you bro. To be honest, I like the current model how it is and I don’t want it to change. 30 days is enough. In fact, it wouldn’t be staking if there was a zero day unstake So there needs to be some incentive to continue staking
If people could instantly unstack with no penalty, they would just dump their ASR rewards instantly every single time
Penalty is not fair, nor executable. Just in case: if people could lend money with their JUP stacked Solana wallet as guaranty, they won’t have 50% loss. For the idea of instant unstake, I prefer to agree with the ASR loss plan
50% is crazy.
I could see possibly a fair 2-5 % but 50% is taking advantage of people in need in difficult times and that’s not what I know JUP to be built on.
One of the main reasons I want to contribute and build along this community this year is because of the PPP way, making jup feel like home. But taking 50% for someone unstaking especially unstaking for an emergency is the complete opposite vibe of that, doesn’t sit right.
I would honestly never steak or buy jup again after that if I had to do it because of an emergency. Example such as my mother passing away last year. I actually needed my JUP then but I was staked and have been over a whole year and will this year to but it was the hardest time of my life and just being able to have gave her a better funeral with that money would have ment the most. But if I would have lost 50% of all I had left to do so in that time to this I wouldn’t look back at JUP if you paid me and most wouldnt either.
So before everyone just thinks of their own “bags” try to remember anything can happen in life anytime and it could be you in the same position at anytime.
The 30 days was great for our start in the DAO back in 2024 but we are growing and stronger now, if we can’t handle people unstaking then that means there is a deeper issue needing fix.
Hi Ghost,
First off, I am really sorry for your loss, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I am also glad to hear you want to be more involved in the community - it’s what makes JUP special.
That said, I completely disagree with a 2-5% penalty because it’s simply too low. The only people who would end up paying for that are the ones who continue staking, which isn’t fair. However, I’ve seen some good suggestions, like lowering the penalty but forfeiting any Jupuary/Good Cat allocation, which seems like a reasonable alternative.
At the end of the day, as I’ve said many times, I’m not trying to change the current model-just add an extra optionfor those who need instant liquidity. And to be honest, it’s crucial to educate people on not over-investing, so they never find themselves in a position where they feel like they have no options.
Appreciate the discussion and open to more ideas!
Response to Proposals for Jupiter Early Staking Withdraw
I would have to agree with many of the other fine cats that have chimed in on the issue of early staking withdrawal. I concur that a 50% penalty for early withdrawals on staked Jupiter is excessive. A 50% penalty does go against the ethos of the community and the continuing efforts to build and grow the pie.
Maybe we entertain the idea of allowing early withdrawal, however, the JUP staker forfeits any staking rewards for that 30-day period. That loss of staking rewards penalty could be in addition to incremental losses such as a 1% loss of stated JUP tokens for any additional times early withdrawal occurs.
In the end, it has to be fair and equitable to the unfortunate cat that requires early withdrawal and the overall Jup community. Happy to continue bouncing ideas around regarding this very important issue.
this will be a vote on DAO next time
Thanks for the amazing efforts here. I am a first time poster here and i hope to make good contribution on JupResearch, i am a $JUP supporter on other Socials (X handle @TK4Crypt0 for those who may recognize me).
About the Staking, i have been thinking about it and i think we can consider more/new tiers to really create $JUP staking program that incentivizes long-term loyal believers / aligned Cats.
I am thinking of the need to introduce different $JUP staking lockup tiers with different setup. This will encourage and show Cats Alignment/Participation/Support to Jupiverse, and promote ecosystem growth.
My proposal (Just to represent the idea and of course with $JUP community it will go through validation and iterations until it becomes a perfect proposal):
- Default Staking: Lock-Up Period: 7 days - Rewards: 0.25x Multiplier for ASR - Instant Unstake Penalty: 20%
Incentivized Staking Tiers/Pools
- Bronze Tier: Lock-Up Period: 30 days - Rewards: 1x Multiplier for ASR - Instant Unstake Penalty: 15%
- Silver Tier: Lock-Up Period: 60 days - Rewards: 2x Multiplier for ASR - Unstake Penalty (Only possible for staking days >= 45 days): 10%
- Gold Tier: Lock-Up Period: 90 days - Rewards: 3x Multiplier for ASR - Unstake Penalty (Only possible for staking days >= 75 days): 5%
- Platinum Tier: Lock-Up Period: 120 days - Rewards: 4x Multiplier for ASR - Unstake Penalty (Only possible for staking days >= 105 days): 2.5%
When your are in an Incentivized Staking Tier/Pool, when the lock-up period is over, you can have the option to renew within the same Tier or change to the Default Staking (0.25x ASR Multiplier) or any of the Incentivized Staking Pools.
→ It can also be all preset settings when you commit to a poll (Automatically executed actions on the end of the lock-up period), keep $JUP in the same pool, or withdraw to a wallet and decide later, or even go to the default pool.
As for ASR rewards/claiming, you can also have the chance to:
1- Withdraw to your wallet.
2- Stake directly in the Default Staking Pool (0.25x ASR Multiplier).
3- Stake directly in the current Incentivized Staking Pool (Compounding).
4- Stake directly in a different Incentivized Staking Pool (Set different Unlocking flexibility according to your strategy).
There should be a dashboard built to show all the metrics for $JUP stakers, showing insights about:
- Incentivized Pool/s you are in.
- Lock-up countdown counter per pool.
- How many days left in case of the need to Unstake per pool.
- If possible estimated ASR %APY (or expected no# of $JUP) according to the current state of votes/voting power/ASR multiplier.
- Anything else that can be helpful or for sake for transparency.
Note: It is better for the start to be after distribution of the pending ASR and start a whole new round with the new Staking proposal/model.
I think i presented above a good start for further discussion if this is something the community is willing to explore.
50% is decidedly too high,
I could imagine a dynamic penalty that is inversely proportional depending on the staking size. This would mean that small wallets that are more likely to get into trouble are given more leeway and the larger wallets, which are more likely to cope with a slightly higher loss, are burdened a little more. Smarter people like me have to think about the individual sizes, but I think a range of 3 to 12 percent is a good basis.
There need to be some dis-incentive imo.
Maybe 50% too high, but there needs to be some sacrifice
I think 20 or 25% would be more appropriate… 50% clearly sends out the wrong signal, 20% or 25% is enough of a deterrent but not a complete penalty. 25% is a quarter of the stack, which I think is a good figure.
Proposal: %5 penalty also %100 penalty ASR reward. Even if the user voted during the ASR period, they will not be eligible to receive a reward from ASR.
You should open different topic about this. I think it’s a good idea.