Exchange $ART application to LFG Launch

solid team of solana OGs! Super supporting of Larisa, Alex and the whole team to push NFT forward!


I’ve been a collector on Solana and Ethereum for several years and have watched Exchange.Art do amazing things for the art community on Solana as well as the larger ecosystem. They’ve also onboarded a whole new tranche of ethereum users to solana as well.

I give my highest endorsement and recommendation to this project launching a coin with Jup…EV+ for everyone!!


Kndeka here! Artist and sometimes collector on ExchangeArt.
I want to give my vote on this. I’m so excited about $ART Token. Almost two years I already joined in this platform and I have great experience here.

Much love, ⓚ


Hello Jup Dao,

I’m Patrick Mulligan, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with, interviewing, or collaborating with nearly everyone who’s participated in this thread. I wanted to share my thoughts on $Art and

As a general rule, I’m not a big fan of tokens without purpose or utility—they often exist solely to funnel liquidity into certain pockets. However, my experience with has been nothing but positive. Their team consistently approaches things with a “how do we help artists?” mindset, and I believe that ethos is at the core of what $Art represents.

Why does this matter? Art serves as a collective memory for society, reflecting our culture and values. As technology breaks down global borders, the definition of society has expanded from a local or national scope to a global one. Artists, however, have faced challenges in proving true ownership in this new landscape. This is where NFTs and art intersect, offering a way to empower artists and restore their control over their work.’s focus on supporting artists makes them the ideal team to lead this charge, and I believe their token, $Art, would be a significant asset to the Solana ecosystem.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my perspective. If you’d like to discuss further, I’m always open to conversation.

Patrick Mulligan


i see a futere in this project already, i totally agree you about one of the major problem with nft and digital art is liquidity and as you looking to solve this issue, i wish you the very best.


I have been using exchange art fo a while ! Do you guys have any idea of future tokenomics ?
You were talking about rewarding users but what can we expect else ?


gm I’m Matt, an artist who has been active in the NFT and Solana ecosystem since early 2022. In that time I’ve seen a huge support coming from the EA team and fully endorse their plans to bring the $ART token into that.

EA is different for the team’s dedication to supporting independent artists and collectors, and for putting Art at the top of the agenda.

The community that has been built within Solana and around EA is strong, with the EA team being a big part of that.

Wishing Larisa, Milst and the team the best of luck with this, and looking forward to seeing what is next!


At my studio we have felt the same, however one way we do see art opening up more is by taking it off your phone and getting it on walls. actually was instrumental in helping us aquire 4 meural frames which we used at our gallery inside the tucson mall. They were on display for a month, and we had many people ask aboit the art. Those questions then opened the door for further discussion about nfts and web 3.

Personally if I believe the team is a solid bet to help usher in the masses into art for art sake, and not just nft pfp flipping.


Exchange Art is a fantastic platform with a remarkable team. As an artist, it has been a game changer for me, fostering an unmatched community of artists and collectors. EA has allowed me to meet and connect with so many great people, I continue to learn and be inspired. Despite the growing fragmentation in the crypto space, Exchange Art stands out with its straightforward, transparent approach. UX and transacting on their platform is easy. The team, accessible and so supportive, is the best I’ve encountered, both irl and in crypto. Launching an $ART token with Jupiter is a no brainer, strengthening and expanding this thriving community. It benefits everyone involved.


I have just read the article with great pleasure and I really want to say that Exchange.Art connects art lovers, collectors and artists from all over the world very quickly and easily with the help of web 3. As an artist and collector I am very happy to be a part of Exchange.Art in the crypto art market. I appreciate dear Larisa and the whole team and not to say that I like their successful work. In this way, Exchange.Art is a great example of how web 3 is transforming the art world. All the Best :slight_smile:


+1 for Exchange Art from me. I’m an artist and collector who’s used the site since launch, and it’s been a valuable part of the Solana scene - giving artists a platform when there wasn’t much choice at all, and sticking around. They’ve had a long term belief in art on-chain and have done a lot to support that.


as an artist, I look forward to the launch, you have my vote


I used Exchange Art to make a living as well as . I think it would be great for the ART token to launch with Jupiter.


Excited for what’s to come. :eyes:


I would love to see Exchange Art Be Representing artists on Solana as i am a photographer my self

That would be great helpful for us and the Solana


I remember frequently using Foundation on Ethereum back in 2021. It was the DApp I would use the most. I didn’t spend time browsing it to find the next pump and dump. I spent time browsing it because it curated the best, most interesting digital art I’ve ever seen. Since then, I haven’t been active in digital art but it was my first memory of interacting with web3 and enjoying it for more than simple monetary reasons.

While I’ve only briefly looked at, if it is the largest digital art platform on Solana, we should definitely support it. From first glance it doesn’t have as clean of a UI as Foundation. And the art feeds aren’t as inspiring as the original ones I saw on Foundation in 2021. But with more attention/resources they can work towards that and beyond.


Vouch. Exchange dot art is the future of France!


Exchange art is what got me into the Solana ecosystem to begin with. Their dedication to fostering a thriving art community filled with talented artists and keen-eyed collectors is second to none. I would love to see them on the LFG launchpad! Soo much love for the Exchange team and all they do to uphold art not just for SOL but for cryptoart across all chains.


The issue I find with NFTs, they can easily go to zero. However, with true Art, I can see the value and providing a more open and value add to the artists I’m all for.

In term so of the ART token, what are the tokenomics and I assume the ART token will only ever be used to stake and be part of the DAO as looking at the art on sale, i see it is priced in SOL.


I’m quite new to the Solana space, but Exchange Art has immediately become my favorite Sol art collecting platform.

The UI is super friendly and easy to navigate, the UX is smooth - as a new user, I feel like I am in a place where I am taken care of.

The curation is also great: as a collector, I feel like the team is working hard for me so I can easily find new gems. In the end of the day, here I know that I can just relax and collect with pleasure.

The whole EA experience is wonderful, so I look forward to continued development and growth :gem: