✨ Countdown to Jupuary 2025: Info & Discussions

You can check the 18:40 - 20:20 mark where Meow talks about Jupuary


  • There’s no perfect way to exclude all farmers
  • Most wallets won’t get anything [ due to wallet eligibility criteria ]
  • Important that each eligible wallet get a substantial gift
  • Excluding inactive wallets from the airdrop
  • We have to exclude most people
  • It will include people who were more active and more consistent over the year
  • You will be able to use the staked tokens to vote on proposals and earn Active Staking Rewards (ASR)
    [ Comment: ASR would still be 17.5%+ APY at 1.14B JUP Staked]

From around the 1:03:50 mark he says something else about Jupuary:

  • This year would still be [ similar ] like last year around without too many allocation categories around specific platform adoption, but this would be a focus from next year (this is paraphrased, not directly quoted)

They mentioned my Jupuary proposal around 1:20 - 1:22 and afterwards:

  • Meow confirmed: There will probably be allocations for different categories
  • ‘‘There’s definitely going to be some kind of transaction rhythm’’
  • ‘‘And there’s definitely going to be different categories as well’’