ASR (Active Staking Rewards) Methodology

Agree that a minimum vote should be introduced. I think 50 is too high, only because after looking at the numbers half of all JUP stakers have less than 10 JUP.
Given crypto was introduced as a product to help the unbanked and those who come from incredibly poor jurisdictions across the world you could be removing a lot of honest voters who deserve an allocation.
I think for the next ASR the cut off should be analysed closer to the vote but should try to include as many real users as possible. Median JUP stake is around 4 which is very low due to lots of voters trying to sybil.


This take is counter intuitive to myself as I hold and stake tens of thousands of JUP but I have onboarded many individuals in the community that have only been able to stake small amounts (larger than 10) of JUP so that they can participate in the vote.
Great methodology regardless! Thanks


Where do you see or claim your tokens please thank you. I’ve had tokens staked for months and participated in 7 votes.

the site to claim is Vote | Jupiter


So how do we claim the ASR rewards for March and June??


@sodiqolufemi, you can claim here Vote | Jupiter


@sodiqolufemi the claim link is the one @The_Lacrymator gave above, in general I advise you to go to the post from @lochie2001 below and bookmark it (there is a function on bottom of post to bookmark it in the forums here)

Easy to have all on one quick draw glance:


We’re also considering introducing a minimum of 50 JUP to receive ASR rewards.

Why so low? Why not incentivize holding a bigger allocation. I understand wanting to be democratic but at current market prices that is $50. Why not encourage stakers to get ‘a bit more skin in the game’ with something like 100 or 250?

Sure we want to encourage folks in all places in the world (with varying earning ability) to participate in governance but if they are in crypto and here, I don’t think a larger cutoff is unreasonable.


The 50 minimum jup requirement is the highlights. Anyway great project and team aswell!! love JUP!


There actually are quite many under 50JUP stakers, check this out - Combating obvious sybil


I did see those breakdowns earlier, but thanks for sharing regardless.

I understand the logic of the threshold… just not the reason for 50 JUP (and not something a little higher) as the cutoff. Why is it 50 and not 100 (or something else a bit higher)? Especially if the goal is to “ensure that more JUP goes to the hands of active and dedicated cadets.”


will there be a conversation on this (community hearing or so) on november?

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Why I can’t claim ASR now? Any errors in the program?

That tweet answers your question.


Please post us a link where we can read the level of tiers staking in Jupiter Exchange.


there are not tiers brother


Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to claim my ASR within the 30-day period, but I keep getting an error message every time I try. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any advice on how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hi, unfortunately the claim period ended on August 6th and the tokens are no longer claimable.


50 Jup seems high, especially when looking @Asimsy diagram showing the amount of wallets staking different amounts of JUP maybe change it to 10 or 20?


I like the idea of 50 JUP minimum. I would have preferred 100 minimum but 50 seems reasonable for inclusion purposes.

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I think 20 should the minimum when looking at the Combating obvious sybil #2 - Research - Jupiter Research ( data around 75% of all stakers have 20Jup of more staked which is a large enough amount of users to include imo, if you move it to 50 itll be closer to 67%